Giving credit where credit is due

A principle role of is to critically scrutinise politicians, other public figures, the and corporations where they abuse their authority and influence to act against the public interest. In these days of growing scarcity of natural resources, overpopulation and ecological crisis, the consequences for our future, and for the future of our children are ever more serious.

However, occasionally, some of these people and entities, of whom we are normally harshly critical, do the right thing, and for doing so, normally incur hostility from the corporate sector and the corporate newsmedia. Examples include Western Australian Premier 's blocking of the into his state, Queensland Premier acting to , Queensland Treasurer 's imposition of a 10% tax upon mining companies in his 2008 state budget.

If democracy is to be lifted from the depths in which it now generally languishes, it is important that where public figures do the right thing, it be fully acknowledged and that they be given every encouragement to continue to do so.

We will endeavour, as far as possible, to keep this section up-to-date with any of the 'good news' stories of commendable conduct by figures of influence which are drawn to our attention.

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Brisbane's Courier Mail reports that the Queensland Government's has Sustainability, Climate Change and Innovation Minister Andrew McNamara has ordered wider exclusion zones and tougher fines to protect the rarest of the whale herd.