'Economic neo-liberalism' otherwise know as 'economic rationalism', not that long ago, rightly dismissed as an extreme ideology deservedly distantly removed from the mainstream has, since the late 1970's become elevated to become the almost unchallenged orthodoxy in the Anglophone world, most of the Third World and the former Soviet bloc.
Whilst if professes to based on solid intellectual and scientific foundations, it is, in reality, no more so than religions which were used in past epochs to gain acceptance for social arrangements to suit the economic interests of small privileged elites.

From the Chapter chapter titled “Of Princes and Heroes” of John Ralston Saul’s “Voltaire’s Bastards”.
This was posted by #comment-211993">‘Smiley’ to johnquiggin.com on 25 May 2008.
This was posted by #comment-211993">‘Smiley’ to johnquiggin.com on 25 May 2008.
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