From ABC online news of Posted 25 October 2007
The Mayor of Naracoorte and Lucindale in south-east South Australia, Ken Grundy, wants voters in the federal election to write the words "reduce immigration" on the top of the ballot papers, to pressure political parties to restrict population growth.
Mr Grundy says Australia cannot handle a massive influx of people because of scarce water resources, increasing pollution and stressed electricity supplies.
He says he recently heard a target of having 50 million people in Australia by 2030 and says that is unrealistic.
"The other day we saw somebody over in Britain and Ireland begging people to come here," he said.
"I just think at the moment we just need to look at sustainability. We look at it in every other field, why don't we look at it with population?"
The Australian Electoral Commission says writing on top of the ballot paper will not make it invalid, as long as it does not obscure any other important information on the ballot form and no name which could identify the voter is written.
#MayorsStatement">Mayor's remarks: A sustainable level of population for Australia
Wherever I go and the subject of our population arises, without exception, people are concerned at the present numbers in Australia, let alone the massive expansion predicted for the future. Everyone is puzzled as to why our parliamentary representatives do not reflect this grass roots feeling. Surely that is their job!
There is a scarcity of water in practically every corner of this nation and every extra person exacerbates the crisis before us now.
Even when more normal rainfall resumes, other resources such as electricity will be inadequate for the masses. Calls to protect the environment seem hollow when for example; more people require more vehicles which create more pollution.
Clearly, we need to stand back and determine a level of population which is sustainable and reflective of the community desire.
How will we get this message to our representatives?
The major parties need to get the message and across my desk the other day came a simple plan which may do the job.
The Australian Electoral Commission has agreed that a vote will not be invalid if writing on the ballot paper does not obscure the names of candidates or the numbers in the squares.
There is sufficient space at the top of both voting slips to neatly write "REDUCE IMMIGRATION". This unofficial voting will be noticed by all scrutineers and if sufficient people act this way, the impact could be huge. It is likely to be the only easy way to have a say on Australia's future population.
Authorised by Ken Grundy
Martins Rd
Naracoorte SA 5271
October 2007
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