This was posted to on 20 March 2008:
I’ve just finished reading Naomi Klein’s ‘Shock Doctrine’, which Dagget has been ceaselessly recommending on this blog lately. Now I remember being somewhat underwhelmed by the heavily-hyped ‘No Logo’ circa 2000, but this new book is of a totally different calibre. Get it and read it, it will knock you flat.
Sheila Newman, a prolific contributor to this site wrote on 31 Oct 2007:
Naomi Klein’s book is fantastic. Drop everything else. Read it.
This was posted to an Online Opinion Forum discussion Winning the war in Iraq on 17 Aug 2008:
I for one have read Klein's book and her views on the concept of "Disaster Capitalism" seem to prove themselves over again and again.
I think most people dismiss alternative views - no matter how profound, informed and convincing they may be - that challenge their own prejudices. A few selective mouse clicks and newspaper headlines is all some people need to consider themselves fully informed.
Anything - particulaly hard indisputable facts - that don't follow "the script" are summarily dismissed or ignored as though they simply doesn't exist.
Online Discussions concerning Naomi Klein and The Shock Doctrine
Winning the war in Iraq started by Online Opinion Editor Graham Young on 17 Aug 2008.
The reality of Australia’s collateral damage in Iraq in response to article of 4 Aug 2008 by Chris Doran.
Tet lives on - forty years later by John Passant 11 Feb 2008. Various themes from The Shock Doctrine including the Iraq War were raised in the forum which was initially about the Vietnam War.
#comment-201045">Worse than you can possibly imagine about the Iraq War on
#comment-199527">Monday Message Board on web site of social democrat John Quiggin, to which a number of Friedmanite neo-liberal ideologues contribute. As in nearly all forums in which I have participated and in which I have presented Naomi Klein's evidence of the moral depravity of the practitioners of the ideology they espouse, I was greeted with silence on their part. This, until fairly recently, has been Naomi Klein's own experience as she describes in her article One Year After the Publication of The Shock Doctrine, A Response to the Attacks.
Anonymous (not verified)
Sun, 2009-05-24 21:38
Yes, borrowed Shock Doctrine