"It's really a disturbing that a government like the Victorian government, [...] repeat parrot-like the Property Council Mantra that there hasn't been enough dwelling approvals in Melbourne and in the state, [...] yet their own reports showed with graphs that was a false narrative. Their ultimate aim really, is to remove citizen interaction and involvement and local government involvement in decisions over the future of a city. And this is completely incompatible with the democratic ideal. It's a very authoritarian model. It's designed to remove us, the citizens, from deciding and contributing to decisions about the future of a city." [...] This is wrong, but it's happened, and it's a well worked out, well, planned approach, that the governments in Australia, particularly the Victorian government, which is the most authoritarian in the country, have adopted. It's a very worrying trend. (Prof Michael Buxton, Planner.)
Transcript will appear in next few days.
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