This website, normally visible through the URL ''#fn1" id="txt1"> 1 has been, since around Tuesday or Wednesday last week, because of problems with the Domain Name Server (DNS) no longer visible through that URL. Instead, until 8:00PM (GMT+10) tomorrow night on Tuesday 16 June 20015 at the latest, we hope, this website will only be visible using a URL which includes the IP address ''.#fn2" id="txt2"> 2 As an example, use the URL '' (see, again, #fn1">footnote 1) to view the story Try a little kindness to help Australia's ecology adjust - Article by Arthur Gorrie which would normally visible with the URL '/node/4448'
After 8:00PM at the latest, should be visible with normal URLs, including '/node/4448' in the example given just above. We apologise for the inconvenience.
After candobetter becomes visible again ...
After candobetter[.net] becomes properly visible, again, we believe that, with your help, we should easily be able to lift the profile of candobetter. Given that the content of candobetter is (unfortunately) almost unique in Australia, the visitation rate could easily be lifted hugely in the very near future. If even only 0.5% of people, shared our concerns then candobetter should be regularly visited by over 100,000 people from Australia alone.
Given that the issues reported and discussed on candobetter are of urgent concern to the overwhelming majority of people in Australia and the rest of the world, we should, with not too much more effort on our part, be able to achieve a still far higher rate of visits and also be able to influence for the better the outcomes of events discussed on candobetter.
If you think you are able to help, please visit the What you can do section of the 'about' page, which is linked to from our What you can do page
#fn1" id="fn1">1.#txt1"> ↑ 'URL'is the acronym for 'Uniform Resource Locator'. The full URL for is in fact ''. It was previously '' (without the 's' for 'secure'), before we obtained a SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificate to allow visitors and contributors to read and write to through an encrypted connection. Whilst many web browsers including FireFox will normally automatically add the 'http://' or 'https://' depending on whether or not the web site is secure, we recommend that unless you are certain that your browser is doing this, to type in the full URL yourself, for example, '/node/4453' (or until no later than, we expect, 8:00PM on Tueday 16 June 2015).
#fn2" id="fn2">2.#txt2"> ↑ The IP or "Internet Protocol' address is the address on the Internet in a form that computers, rather than humans are more easily able to understand. The IP address is simply a number ranging from 0 right up to 4,294,967,296 (or 2 raised to the power of 32 or 232). The latter is the largest number which can be stored on a 32 bit integer, upon which the Internet Protocol (IP) version 4, which is the current version is based. Each host connected to the Internet has, as its address, a single unique number consisting of 32 binary digits ('bits' each consisting of either 0 or 1) address unique IP address. The IP address of is '' in the 'dotted quad' format that network administrators can easily understand. That represents the numeric value of:
188 x 16777216 + 95 x 65536 + 65 x 256 + 122 x 1
That, in turn, is equal to:
188 x 2563 + 95 x 2562 + 65 x 2561 + 122 x 2560
That, in turn, is equal to:
188 x 224 + 95 x 216 + 65 x 28 + 122 x 20
The above expressions are all equal to the numeric IP address of, which is, is 3,160,355,706 or 10111100010111110011001101111010 as 32 bit binary integer readable by computers.
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