I could have started a Blog on many subjects - there is alot of bad & useless bureaucratic mangling going on - the site below is already linked to can do better - but I hope this blog will high-light the URGENCY of the matter, which is already being pushed through as you read this:
Please consider writing to the Senator and there's also a petition running from the nocleanfeed.com site.
Thankyou for reading
Agent Provocateur
A personalised letter to the Minister sends a powerful message: We don't like the policy, and we care.
Letters can be sent to the Ministerial office:
Senator Stephen Conroy
Minister for Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy
Level 4, 4 Treasury Place
Melbourne Vic 3002
If you're not sure what to say, you might wish to use the following as a template:
Dear Minister,
As an Australian and an internet user, I have serious concerns about your mandatory Internet filtering initiative.
Given the importance your Government has attached to modernising Australia's broadband network, pursuing a policy that can only slow down and increase the costs of home internet access seems misguided at best.
Australian households are diverse, and most do not have young children, so mandating a one-size-fits-all clean feed approach will not serve the public well. I don't think it is the Government's role to decide what's appropriate for me or my children, and neither do most Australians.
Given the amount of Internet content available, the Government will never be able to classify it all and filters will always result in an unacceptable level of over-blocking.
I feel that the time and money could be spent in better ways both to protect children and improve Australia's digital infrastructure.
Australian parents need better education about the risks their children face online. Trying to rid the Internet of adult content is futile, and can only distract from that mission.
Internet User
Senator Conroy's e-mail address, from his Parliamentary web page is: senator.conroy[AT]aph.gov.au
His Phone number is: (02) 6277 7480
See also: ABC news 'Greenlight for internet filter plans' of 15 Dec 09, Rudd - just a control freak with his little book or are we witnessing the emergence of the 'Rudd State'? of 15 Dec 09.
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