Traditional Chinese have deemed 2010 the Chinese Year of the Tiger. But some traditional Chinese medicine is based on superstition, and some Chinese men still think the bones of a tiger will increase their libido and so want to kill tigers to get a hard on.
AdultShop should set up in Beijing and sort these misguided blokes out.
"Zion Organic's Tiger Bone contains herbs that have been associated with love potions and sexuality for thousands of years! These herbs enhance libido, boost sexual vigor, performance stamina and heighten sexual excitement for both males and females. The formula in this tonic will stimulate gland hormone activities, increase body energy that helps improve blood supply, nerve stimulation and glandular activity.
Better Sex naturally emerges from a healthier body and mind. If there are psychological or stress related problems impending sexuality (Up to 80% of sexual dysfunction is of mental or emotinal origin), our tonic drinks can hep over come them by turning the attention to love making and stimulating short term energy against impotence or frigidity. For the 20% of psychological factors causing sexual problems , the most common are diabetes, the use of certain prescriptions and poor circulation. Aging is not a cause of impotence or lack of libido for either male or female. Normal sexual function requires healthy organs and balance glands to produce necessary sex hormones. The herbs found in Tiger Bone help to establish a superior body balance by working through the glands, and they are uniquely qualified to help combat disorders associated with sexual function.[Source:].
"A Chinese court has recently sentenced a man to 12 years in jail, plus a fine, for killing an endangered Indochinese tiger - which was made into a stew and eaten."
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has long advocated applying Tiger Bone as a traditional medicine for male impotence. With a billion Chinese, the Chinese Year of the Tiger translates to neanderthal Chinese paying big yuan to slaughter endangered tigers (mainly from impoverished India and Indonesia) in order to think their penises will grow and make more Chinese boys.
Unscientific people can be really backwards.
TCM used tiger bone in prescriptions for centuries, perhaps more than 1,500 years to treat pain and inflammation and to strengthen muscles, tendons and bones.
But wait!
Backward Chinese have no reason to be shy about their libido and size. The Chinese Government owned Tanggula Pharmaceutical Company has published results of 10 years of research showing that sailong (mole rat) bone “can completely substitute tiger bone for the effective treatment of rheumatism.
So misguided impotents can get help from mole rats and leave tigers alone. Their numbers in the wild have been reduced to just hundreds.
Seriously, the Chinese Government's 14 year ban on trade in 'tiger bone' is a positive step forward out of a backward superstition that only serves to drive a significant top order mammal into extinction.
If not, the 1 billion Chinese pathogen should be returned to the one child policy.
Sheila Newman
Wed, 2010-01-06 21:46
Viagra not Tiger
Agent Provocateur
Fri, 2010-01-08 02:28
Man Hunts! Women Run! Lol!
Anonymous (not verified)
Sun, 2010-04-11 20:20
Disputes belief in medical value of tiger parts 'backward'
Sheila Newman
Sun, 2010-04-11 23:28
But allowing tigers to go exinct definitely backward
Mon, 2010-04-12 01:19
How about TCM just moving forward?
Mon, 2010-04-12 13:15
Killing a tiger ought attract a life sentence, seizure of assets
Bill (not verified)
Tue, 2010-04-13 19:50
Sheila Newman
Tue, 2010-04-13 23:36
Shun all cultures that trash nature
Wed, 2010-04-14 01:31
Aboriginal diet and TCM
Wed, 2010-04-14 12:19
Shun all cultures that are immoral
funnelweb bill (not verified)
Thu, 2010-04-15 13:53
Sun, 2010-06-27 11:24
Backward cultures breaching Australian values should be outlawed
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