Breaking news : (30 August, 11:30AM GMT+10) UK Parliament votes against war
UK Labor Opposition leader Ed Millibrand will move an amendment to the govenment motion in support of the war against Syria calling for a delay in attacking Syria until after the UN weapons' inspectors' report is delivered. If the amendment is defeated, he will call on MPs to vote agaist the motion for war.
This article was originally published as British political rows could delay military action against Syria on 28 Aug 2013 on Russia Today. See also: Obama ‘not yet made a decision’ on Syria as UK political rows stall intervention of 28 Aug 2013.
Facing strong opposition in the UK parliament, military action against the Syrian regime over the alleged use of chemical weapons could be delayed until next Tuesday.
On Thursday, the House of Commons will be asked by the government to approve a "strong humanitarian response" to the Syrian government’s alleged war crimes.
However, British opposition leader Ed Miliband said he would call on his MPs to vote against the government motion if the amendment calling for the delay of any military action is defeated, the Guardian reports.
"We will continue to scrutinise this motion but at 5.15pm David Cameron totally ruled out a second vote, an hour and a half later he changed his mind," a Labour source told the Guardian. "Ed was determined to do the right thing. It has taken Labour forcing a vote to force the government to do the right thing."
The delay of parliamentary approval could push back the military response timetable until next Tuesday when MPs are expected to have another vote.
Among other conditions the Labour Party said it would support military action only if members of the UN Security Council saw the chemical weapons inspectors report first.
A motion in the UK parliament has been called to let the UN Security Council see findings from chemical weapons inspectors before backing any military action in Syria.
"The United Nations Security Council must have the opportunity immediately to consider that briefing and that every effort should be made to secure a Security Council Resolution backing military action before any such action is taken," the motion says.
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