Title was: "Peace terms rejected by Zelensky", then changed to "Rapid demise of US puppet Zilenski regime the most humanitarian way forward for Ukraine", and then changed back again - 3 Mar 2022, Ed
Zelensky says the Russian terms are not acceptable and wants a ceasefire prior to any further negotiation.
He is a stand-up comedian by profession.
Seriously, he is.
He is also a tool in the US project of prolonging and intensifying the conflict to the greatest degree possible.
The Russian terms are not negotiable.
A ceasefire would simply provide time for re-arming and repositioning Ukraine forces. It serves no plausible treaty horizon.
A Ukrainian military victory is not possible, and the Russian intent is distinct and unwavering.
A swift completion of the inevitable is the most humanitarian and constructive path forward.
Zelensky represents forces who want the complete opposite route taken to that inevitable outcome.
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