Dear Committee,
It was indeed an eventful meeting that occurred earlier tonight.
Dianne Proctor, without any prior notice, and freely proclaiming that she knew
nothing about the confilcts in SPA and nothing about the recent elections
chose to move a motion finding that SPA was not corrupt (which had never been
alleged) and that the elections had been conducted properly and fairly.
Immediately a gag motion was put, ensuring that it was impossible for either
myself or Sheila to point out to Dianne and to others on the committee how
the conduct of the elections had, indeed, been very unfair to both myself and
The motion was then put and carried with the casting vote of President Ian
McIndoe in favour.
So, without any formal discussion, and without any proper investigation of
complaints of seemingly improper conduct surrounding the recent SPA national
elections made in a letter signed by four committee members, the majority of
the SPA national commitee, at least one of whom was ignorant of the issues at
hand, has given our organisation a clean bill of health.
One would wonder how confident the broader membership, or the wider public,
would be in this 'finding' of a bare majority of the National Committee.
Other highlights of the meeting included :
* Dianne's husband joining in momentarilly and calling us all a bunch of
idiots or words to a similar effect.
* Dianne having complained of herself having been cut off, repeatedly
interrupting others, on at least two occasions to inform us of her 35 years
involvement in NGO's.
* Tom Nilsson having called all of my motions, including the motion opposed to
defamation suits which was carried, a waste of everyone's time.
* Dianne Proctor attempting to move a motion that we disband SPA. As this has
now become a foreshadowed motion, I look forward to hearing Dianne moving
and speaking to this at a future meeting.
I look forward to the release of the minutes and would be most interested to
know how Committee members would explain to interested members of SPA their
votes to gag debate and their votes against the motions I had moved.
At least I should feel thankful that a majority of the committee is now on
record as having supported my motion opposing the initiation of defamation
suits by SPA members against other SPA members. I have to admit it was an
unexpected and pleasant surprise. Let's at least hope this becomes
thoroughly ingrained in SPA culture so that free speech, openness and
accountability may one day flourish again in SPA.
James Sinnamon
[email protected]
0412 319669, 07 33690819
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