A 16 year old English Canadian fears becoming a minority in his own land

Canada is not for sale

By Andrew Miller, 16, High School Student

Canada is one of the most interesting countries in the world. From west to east and south to north, it has incredible biological diversity and beauty. It is a large country and because of this, there are regions which contrast with each other in every way imaginable. Because we have been lucky enough to settle here, why would we sell it? The truth is that a price cannot be set for it – it is invaluable. Despite this, as a result of mass immigration over the past 18 years, Canada has been put up for sale. New immigrants now account for close to 20% of Canada's population. If immigrants keep arriving at the present rate, the immigrant descendant population will account for half of Canada by 2050. My question is this: Why would we ever allow this to happen?

Many people like to say that the creation of cultural diversity, that bringing the world to us and that turning Canada into a laboratory in which a social experiment is being conducted, is in the best interests of the country. Those who say this and promote this idea are deceitful and unpatriotic to say the least. The fact is that Canada was settled by the native people, then Europeans. After having been a colony, we as a people aspired to becoming an independent land and succeeded in forming the Dominion of Canada. From then on, we worked with the struggles which confronted us and slowly built Canada into what it is today: a fair minded, relatively wealthy society but a society which quite frankly lacks respect for itself. If we worked so passionately to make Canada great, why would we ever even consider surrendering our country? Why would we support policies such as multiculturalism and high immigration which contribute significantly to surrender?

It would be shallow and extremely naïve to suggest that multiculturalism and high immigration are in our best interests because in reality they result in Canadians changing themselves and making way for people who have nothing to do with Canada and its accomplishments. A great example of this is the Christmas Holiday which has been transformed unnecessarily, into a celebration which no longer recognizes the birth of Christ. For instance, someone I now go to school with had attended, up until a year ago, a school which had been absolutely flooded by immigrants from the Middle East. In three years, the immigrant students accounted for one third of the school. Last year, at Christmas time they demanded that Christmas celebrations not take place in the school in days leading up to the Christmas Break, claiming that it excluded them. However, when Ramadan came along in May, they insisted that the Canadian students (still the majority of the school) join in the celebration.

As that case and many others demonstrate, multiculturalism and high immigration have resulted in discrimination against the majority in Canada. We are headed into becoming second class citizens in our own country. What’s worse is that we have Canadians encouraging minorities to force us to celebrate their traditions and saying that this is a positive occurrence.

Some may argue that cultures have changed and evolved in the past and that limiting immigration levels and selecting which cultures should be allowed into Canada would be interfering with a natural process. The difference between evolution and what is now taking place is that Canada's high immigration levels are not an example of evolution and they are the very opposite of being natural.

The argument that we need immigrants for our economy is a weak one because it means that we are willing to give up Canada for the sake of an economy which ironically will no longer be ours. If this country is to continue to prosper, let it prosper through our hard work and dedication


In truth, when people have settled, worked with and developed an area, it is instinctive and moral for them to feel proud of it and to feel that it is theirs. It is a sign of national pride for a people to recognize that they are no longer newcomers but founders of country in which they live and that it is theirs to defend.

Lastly, I would like to address the argument that mass immigration and multiculturalism are inevitable and not allowing these to happen is resisting change. The question which needs to be asked next is whether or not in this case resisting change would be resisting progress. It is a common mistake to think that change and progress are the same. Change should never occur unless it is necessary. Any change which isn’t needed is change for change’s sake. Reforms which occur for this reason are often regretted later on because many times the damage they cause are irreparable.

In conclusion, I would say that this high immigration policy has to be abolished without delay. The idea that Canadian culture is equivalent to multiculturalism is wrong. In truth, multiculturalism and high immigration are things which have been thrust upon us and which some foolish Canadians have chosen to accept—along with the idea that one day we will no longer dominate this country which our people worked so hard to build into one of the most prosperous nations of the world.

Even though I am only 16 years old, I have felt this way for a very long time because I care about Canada and would never want to see it ever change beyond recognition.

It is time for Canadians to take their land back.


In response to the person that stated that "we have worked so hard to build this country and soon immigrants will take over", you are obviously very foolish! If you are familiar with YOUR Canadian history, I am sure that you know that Natives are the original inhabitants of this land, and ironically enough they have not experienced the prosperity, sense of nationalism and "perks" that you have experienced thus far, and fear will be taken away. Maybe you will have to work for what you have in the future, and maybe minorities" and immigrants will be able to experience some of those rewards, that they have to work for. Since you obviously did not immigrate to Canada you do not know what it feels like to have 10 years of schooling go to waste, or experience pay scales of minimum wage (don't get me wrong, everyone has a choice when choosing to immigrate). However to state that the country will no longer be yours, is quite ignorant, since IT WAS NEVER YOURS TO BEGIN WITH!

That's the current state of affairs in the Arctic. If we don't develop it, we can easily lose it to whomever does. That's been the rule of territoriality since humans still had tails - those who claim territory, defend it adequately, and _make the most of that territory_ are considered the rightful owners of that territory. The story of the Canadian Native is, in fact, instructive for those of us who _built Canada into a nation_. Canadians NEVER had territorial wars with Natives. What did we do, then? We simply swamped them, demographically. The Natives didn't see what was coming until they were literally surrounded by whites. White guilt is suicidal foolishness, and not a valid reason to commit cultural and national suicide by allowing the same to happen to us. And hey, if Natives don't like Whitey, sure, void the treaties you signed and send us back to the UK and France. But I hope you don't mind if we raze the buildings to the ground, and take all our technology with us. After all, it would be wrong to pollute your glorious Pre-Columbian stone age society that you seem anxious to enjoy like your distant ancestors did, with our evil guns and alcohol and central heating and stuff like that.