The government needs to listen to the electorate. Consecutive public community polls have shown that Australians are very concerned about the ongoing rapid rate of population growth and density of development, food security, and social disorganisation in poorly serviced new suburbs.
Public should have last word on urban expansion and population growth.
Today, 20 June 2012, Jill Quirk, President of the Victorian and Tasmanian branches of Sustainable Population Australia (SPA), said that the public should not only 'have their say' on urban expansion and population growth, but they should be listened to and heeded.
She strongly criticised the Baillieu government’s move to further extend the urban growth boundary around Melbourne.
In addition, she pointed out that consecutive public community polls have shown that people are very concerned about the ongoing rapid rate of population growth and density of development that is causing traffic congestion, crowded public transport and environmental pollution in Victoria.
“Extending urban growth further into green wedge is not the solution” she said “as it is creating unsustainable communities without adequate infrastructure and services, heavily dependent on motorised transport. There are also food security concerns as more and more food-growing land is being lost under concrete construction and roads.”
Ms Quirk said
“Planning Minister Mathew Guy has failed to act for future sustainability and instead has responded to pressure from property developers and land-banking speculators who are the drivers of high population growth”.
The history of Victoria's began with historically well-planned open and natural space, in contrast to the cramped living conditions of overpopulated Britain. In recent years large swathes of public land have been sold off and truncated, with Melbourne's Royal Park among the most notable. Green wedges were identified for protection broadly following rivers in Melbourne, but these are being ripped into by government supported developers in defiance of public opinion.
“Earlier governments strongly endorsed the preservation of green wedge areas beyond Melbourne’s fringe as essential for healthy communities” President Quirk said “ but we are now losing those areas to the detriment of future generations who will be left with just ribbon suburbs.
We firmly believe it is time for a referendum on population growth.”
KeepMelbourneMa... (not verified)
Wed, 2012-06-20 23:45
Victoria already in ecological overshoot
Back in 2005, the Environment Protection Authority calculated what Victorians demand of nature to sustain la dolce vita. Each Victorian has a global "footprint" bigger than the average Australian. Only the United States, Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates tax the planet more.
Earth Overshoot means that we are reducing the ability of the earth's land and water to support humans and other species into the future. If we conquer climate change without depleting other natural assets, we can rebalance our Earth budget.
The EPA was asking Victorians to peel back their profligate ways: eat one meal fewer of red meat each week, catch public transport, set up a teleconference meeting instead of flying to Sydney, buy green power and stop wasting food. However, consumption can be reduced by good "green" and sustainable living, but adding more people simply offsets any "savings". So, with an economy based on raising revenue from real estate and land releases, why bother?
National President of SPA, Dr John Coulter, says the combination of high consumption and too many people for the resources available underlie the problem.
"Our numbers and activities are placing us in overshoot with respect to the environment," says Dr Coulter. "To continue on this trajectory will lead to environmental collapse.”
It's assumed that Victorians have an estimated 30 to 40 year lot supply of land for future housing. These "developments" assume that "vacant" land is a wasted resource unless there is concrete, lawns and housing on it. "Developments" are an environmental threat, to our food and water security, and to semi-urban wildlife - and Victoria's integrity. Victoria is already in ecological overshoot. Native species are losing habitat to increase human "carrying capacity".
It seems that the free market economy will continue its rampage of growth until we hit the wall of Nature's limits, and then what? It will deprive us of locally produced food, and we will see declining productivity due to congestion on the roads, lack of power to travel to work, hunger, homelessness, crime, and poverty increasingly left to non-government charities to fix. Energy and water could end up so expensive that people will end up using lamps, candles, generators and tank water? High rise will be family hostile, and lead to more anti-social behaviour and slums. Cities and nations should be designed for people, not to derive economic benefits from amassing humans for an doomed economic model.
Thu, 2012-06-21 09:24
Australia's 2012–13 Migration Program is set at 190,000 p.a.
Australia's 2012–13 Migration Program is set at 190,000 p.a.
The International Airport tap is locked on.
The Capital cities are forced to find room and deliver for them.
The local population is forced to embrace the 190,000 and make room and accept the congestion.
The only way housing can go is up in highrise, out in sprawl, more squashed in and surrendering the Australian ideal of owing a 1/4 acre block to renting a shoebox.
Hence the urban Australian exodus to Queensland - now they have the problem.
Australia's permanent immigration program has two components:
The Migration component consists of Skilled Stream migrants, Family Stream migrants and migrants with a Special Eligibility class visa.
The Humanitarian component is for refugees and others in humanitarian need.
The planning level for the 2012–13 Migration Program is set at 190,000 places.
That is it. Australia is a democracy but this flow is devised, decided, set and imposed by Australia's government undemocratically!
The unquestioned justification is economic growth and the spin that Australia has always been a land of immigrants.
Migration Program Statistics
The following table contains migration program outcomes for 2007–08 to 2010–11 and planning levels for 2011–12 and 2012–13.
Numbers have been rounded and totals may not be the exact sum of components.
In 2011-12, for the first time a notional allocation of program places in the Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme was made within the Employer Sponsored category.
Migration Program numbers do not include New Zealand citizens or holders of Secondary Movement Offshore Entry (Temporary), Secondary Movement Relocation (Temporary) and Temporary Protection Visas and are detailed at the top of the planning range.
1 Includes spouse, fiancé and interdependent. Net outcome as places taken by provisional visa holders who do not subsequently obtain permanent visas are returned to the Migration Program in the year that the temporary visas expire.
2 Includes Child-adoption, Child Dependent and Orphan Minor.
3 Includes Aged Dependent, Carer, Orphan Unmarried and Remaining Relatives.
4 Includes Designated, Contributory and Non-contributory Parents.
5 Includes Employer Nomination Scheme, Labour Agreement, Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme.
6 Includes State/Territory Nominated Independent Scheme and Skilled Independent Regional.
7 Includes brothers, sisters, nieces, nephews, non-dependent children, working age parents, grandchildren and first cousins who have been skill tested.
8 Net outcome as cancelled visas are returned to the Migration Program in that year.
9 Initial Planning Level.
Suggan Buggan
Snowy River Region
Anonymous (not verified)
Thu, 2012-06-21 23:00
Shell boss claims it needs to import foreign workers
From the horses mouth...
"One of the world's most powerful business leaders has applauded the Government's move to put a price on carbon, but says his company will need to import foreign workers to make its Australian operations competitive.
Peter Voser, the global CEO of Shell, says Australia's productivity is a "real concern".
'"You've got the high Australian dollar, you've got the scarce work force, and therefore we are concerned about the overall rate at which we are paying for Australian labour and clearly that needs some intervention," he said.'
Shell keen to import foreign workers of 21 June by 7.30's Leigh Sales
So there it is, the government listens to executives from multi-national corporations but not the Australian people.
One of the key drivers for immigration is to force down labor costs so that multi-nationals can exploit our resources as quickly as possible, as cheaply as possible.
What do you do with traitors and robbers?
Geoffrey Taylor
Fri, 2012-06-22 00:31
Was the government elected to serve foreign corporations?
Presumably, the Australian Government is elected to look after the welfare of Australian citizens and not foreign corporations.
So, how does importing foreign workers to work more cheaply for a foreign corporation than native Australian workers are prepared to, supposed to be of benefit to the citizens of this country? The arrogance of Peter Voser is both breathtaking and chilling.
Anonymous (not verified)
Fri, 2012-06-22 10:41
Quashing of patriotism works beautifully
Anonymous (not verified)
Sat, 2012-06-23 09:03
Of course Shell will pay the $350000 per imported worker. And before they arrive will build Hospitals Schools and public infrastructure, make Housing available and insure OHS on their multilingual (Gas sites) projects.
the original item on ABC
Oil company chief reflects on costs and outlook of 21 June at .
Take a quick google search about Shell.
Editorial comment: Near the end of the above video, the address is displayed. When that link is clicked it is re-directed to . Regardless of the merit or otherwise of that particular campaign, Amnesty International, which has been funded by George Soros has shown itself to be a sham human rights organisation. See Youtube Broadcast of 21 June by the Syrian Girl, Amnesty International Helping to Kill Syrians.
And there it is, Australia to be the next Nigeria of the south pacific. Of course prosperity is always coming soon in the next century, growth will help - hospitals that you can even get into will be built, housing, respectful benefits for those in difficulty. Take a look at the vid - see an aspect of our future.
Anonymous (not verified)
Fri, 2012-06-22 10:58
Sydney Forum 20/10/2012
Fri, 2012-06-22 12:42
Sydney Forum candobetter disclaimer
Grass roots (not verified)
Fri, 2012-06-22 21:06
Jon Faine rabbiting on show
On the Jon Faine show today they were rabbiting on about how, "There's plenty here for everyone,' and, 'I don't like that argument, that we should look after our own first.' 'We're a rich country, we can look after everyone.'
Very entitled people on the Jon Faine show. They think that everyone has a house to speculate on, not to live in. They assume that wealth is equally spread and that only a very negligible (emphasis on negligible) minority does not have what they need. They are completely out of touch because they are a minority with well-paid jobs and a sense of importance that can very easily evaporate, they will find, as they get older, or something goes wrong. Yet these kinds of people hog the airwaves putting out an official message that 'All is well' and propping up the shambles that is high immigration, privatisation, unaffordable education and housing. And wildlife and natural spaces are simply not on their radar.
nimby (not verified)
Sat, 2012-06-23 10:06
Shooting from the mouth
These "news" reporters just shoot from the mouth without having any substance or any opinions worthy of reporting. Australia used to be rich, but increasingly welfare workers and charities are under stress from all the demands being placed on them.
Houses are unaffordable, rents are rising, homelessness is increasing and our costs of living are soaring. The cost of utilities is largely due to having to pay for the expensive but expanding infrastructure, adding to the fixed costs.Victoria's infrastructure buildling has come to a standstill, yet Matthew Guy had the audacity to announce 6 new suburbs. It's like an overburdened mother with already too many children giving birth to sextuplets! There's not enough money to educate all these "babies" as TAFE funding has been drastically cut in Victoria!
We can't, and we have no obligation to look after "everyone". Australia is a sovereign nation with it's own population, environment, oceans and biodiversity to maintain. Jon Faine and these other reporters are simply parroting pro-growth messages without substance and are being totally irresponsible and reckless.
Anonymous (not verified)
Sun, 2012-06-24 14:02
Sydney Forum candobetter disclaimer
Steven Earl Salmony (not verified)
Tue, 2012-06-26 23:26
Limits to Growth
Limits to growth
Sheila Newman
Thu, 2012-07-05 21:21
SPA VIC & TAS AGM this Saturday, 2pm, Balwyn Library
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