Alexander Mercouris of the Duran makes a good summary of what is happening in French politics at the moment in this short embedded video. Inside I make some comments.
Alexander Mercouris's statement that France has a lot of independent media strikes me as generous, since the mainstream has been dominated by a US-syndicated newsmedia for years now, with state channels that sound just like ABC Australia. But French populations are far more localised than most other 'modern' states, retaining a more clan-based population distribution , thus able to transmit political and other knowledge through generations in other ways. Le Pen's representatives gained ground initially in regional elections. (See my new book, Sheila Newman, Land-tenure and the Revolution in Democracy and Birth Control in France, (2023)). France is still slightly protected by having its own language, thus suffering less censorship from youtube etc, and it retains public intellectuals who seem just now to be waking from a kind of coma induced by Anglosphere-EU-influenced political correctness.
This awakening is probably the result of not being able to stand the crazy EU narrative accompanying the Ukraine-Russia war, along with the economic fall out and the massive wave of Ukrainian refugees. The revolts of the urban lower classes may also be partly influenced, especially where they have Muslim demographics, by disgust with France-NATO's conduct in Africa and the Middle East, which the rise of BRICs and its own news-services has brought into relief. The use of VPNs to get round France's EU-dictated censorship of non-NATO-vetted news would be particularly high in this diaspora and among French intellectuals. We can only hope that some of Australia's immigrant populations may be similarly well-informed, enough to affect the sickening drone of public propaganda that dominates Australia felix.
(Alexander Mercouris is, by the way, from a famous Greek political family. His father was a Greek partisan and he was nephew of the politically influential Greek actress Merlina Mercouri. He works with another original and well-informed Greek political journalist, Alex Cristoforou.)
For those of you who understand French, here is an illustrative interview with Michel Onfray.
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