
Statement by Lesley Noah Independent Candidate for Springwood

Noah delivers election ultimatum to Beattie

Lesley Noah first made her political debut as an independent candidate ‘from the people, for the people’ at the Logan Mayoralty By-election last April, when she polled a respectable 11%. She is a highly credentialed Executive Officer with extensive public and private sector business experience in Australia and abroad.

Since she moved to Springwood 7 years ago, she has volunteered her spare time to: manage childrens’ soccer teams; provide respite foster care; Chair a sexual assault support service management committee; set up a support group of concerned residents; report dishonest politicians to CMC and has supported many community driven campaigns involving preservation of lifestyle and environment.

When questioned about her motivation for nominating, Ms Noah responded “My reasons are two fold. Firstly, to offer the people of my electorate the choice of an independent who is wholly committed to representing the will of the people of Springwood, as opposed to the will of the party. Secondly, to provide Team Beattie with a final ultimatum from Team Springwood, which is: call in the application to develop on prime Koala and glider habitat at 113-131 Daisy Hill Road and assess it correctly in accordance with the law, before clearance of the site commences 11 September”. Ms Noah stated that if she did not receive written confirmation soon that if re-elected the Premier would undertake this, she would personally ensure the ALP lose the seat.

Ms Noah advised that she has been closely following state politics for many years now and has been proactive in pursuing her concerns re. water crisis, health crisis, fluoride, daylight saving, asbestos and no air-conditioning in state schools, buses, corrupt councils, human rights, the justice system and many issues. When asked about her policies she stated “the people of the Springwood electorate are smart enough to be able to determine their own policies and what the priorities are for their MP. I will make this easy for them by rolling out a unique Continuous Community Consultation (CCC) process at the Springwood electorate office. This will provide constituents with access to manual feedback systems and an electronic polling system similar to that demonstrated on my website The poll results will form the basis for my action list and sponsored e-petitions for Queensland Parliament. Basically, the more votes a poll attracts, the more time I will spend pursuing that particular issue or policy suggestion and the louder I will shout”.

Ms Noah has also offered something else which is quite unique to this election. She has stated that she is willing to enter into a legally binding contract with the people of the electorate guaranteeing she will serve her full tenure as an independent, without party membership and will remain committed to the will of the people of Springwood exclusively.

For interviews photos etc contact:

Lesley Noah
07-3299 5259 or 0422-155999
[email protected]