I've just been made aware that there is another population aware candidate in the Melbourne by-election tomorrow. The relevant part of his policy is to "Reduce population to sustainable levels by allowing birth rates to decline naturally (remove the baby bonus) and reduce immigration rates; Accept regional climate refugees and commence migration of drowning pacific island communities; Transition to a non growth based economy, continue knowledge growth and service and technological improvements." Inside is his full platform.

Adrian writes,
Hi my name is Adrian Whitehead. I am running in the Melbourne by-election as a climate emergency independent. One of my leading 11 policies includes the issue of reducing our population to sustainable levels. This could be done by allowing birth rates to decline naturally (remove the baby bonus) and reduce immigration rates to a level that ensures we have a population reduction. Our planet is under massive ecological and climatic stress, reducing population is one key way we can help reduce this problem as we as maintaining the quality of life in our cities which are becoming over crowded, congested and spreading ever further into surrounding farm land. I have a back ground in ecology and environmental activism and currently research climate change solutions in the Land Use sector as part of a joint project between Melbourne University and Beyond Zero Emissions.
Adrian's website is at
Climate Change
Rapid ten year emergency transition to a net negative emission society
support workers, communities, companies and disadvantaged in transition
100% renewable based electricity grid and large energy efficiency roll out
large and small scale diverse renewable based grid systems including demand management
solar access rights
energy efficiency retrofit of homes and businesses
high energy efficiency standards for new buildings and energy using products
fund low income energy efficiency home upgrades
new minimum standards for rental buildings
no nuclear energy
end fossil fuel use - close the dirtiest power plants first
Transport system based on renewable electricity
massive roll out and upgrade of walking and cycling infrastructure and electrified rail (light, heavy, super fast, and freight)
expand rail in rural Victoria
light rail in for rural towns
support electric car infrastructure
limited sustainably grown bio fuels for remote applications
End native forest logging and broad scale land clearing
compensate land owners
allowed logged area to recover as carbon sinks
increase minimum area of native vegetation for each bioregion to 20%
move fibre need to hemp and agro, restorative, and analogue forestry on already cleared or damaged lands
pay farmers for storing carbon
Create a global cooling
reducing methane production by encouraging a reduction in sheep and cattle consumption
sequestering atmospheric CO2 in soil, reforestation, and biochar
use safe and reversible geo-engineering options such as painting roofs white to speed cooling
return to 300 ppm CO2 or less
Limit growth of cities and towns
create urban boundaries
protect and expand urban open and green space
protect suburban back yards
reduce car use and dependency
Support organic agriculture
support urban agriculture and farmers markets
ban suspect chemicals or chemicals already banned in other countries
chemical free water catchments
Build community resilience to climate change
re-build community connections
support localised food production
extreme weather safety strategies for flood, fires and heat wave
ensure vulnerable members of the community are looked after
Reduce population to sustainable levels by allowing birth rates to decline naturally (remove the baby bonus)
and reduce immigration rates
Accept regional climate refugees and commence migration of drowning pacific island communities
Make climate criminals pay
Transition to a non growth based economy, continue knowledge growth and service and technological improvements
increase no take marine parks to 15% of our coast line and coastal waters
a minimum of 20% native vegetation in each bioregion
fund restoration and revegetation projects
implement ecological burning regimes
support organic agriculture
support urban agriculture and farmers markets
pay farmers for storing carbon
ban harmful chemicals or chemicals already banned in other countries
users of biocides will be held liable for contamination or drift
support grazing and cropping systems that build soil carbon.
chemical free water catchments
recapture nutrients from the urban waste stream
ban plastic carry bags
container deposit legislation
introduce requirement for compostable packaging
introduce requirement for compostable eating utensils etc at festivals
enforce a return to manufacturer of electronic waste
ban industrial release of carcinogens or highly toxic material
move car fleet to zero emissions over ten years
restrict smoking in public places to designated areas
no nuclear industry
Genetic Engineering
make GE seed and plant sellers responsible for the cost of any genetic pollution and removal of any GE modified organisms that escape into the environment
ensure rights of people to use and access open source plant varieties
government funding of open source plant varieties only
transition away from a material growth the based economy and monetary system, while maintaining knowledge and service growth and technological improvements
reduce corporate power and influence while creating a social and environmental responsibility as part of their corporate charter
promoting global equity
fair trade not free trade
Clean politics
hold candidates and parties accountable for action on climate change
no political deals: preference on policies and track record
Secular Politics
remove religious institutions, practices and ceremony form our political institutions, public education system and military
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