Help with East West Link submission templates here

Dear Protectors of Public Lands Victoria Inc. members and friends,
Here is the State Government spiel which reads that it has
"appointed an assessment committee under Sections 35 and 235 of the Major Transport Projects Facilitation Act 2009 to assess the Comprehensive Impact Statement for the East West Link (Eastern Section) Project and to make recommendations to the Minister for Planning whether or not to grant any applicable approval required for the project to be developed and if so to recommend appropriate conditions for applicable approvals."
Public submissions are being called for on the Comprehensive Impact Statement and have to be in keeping with the Government's "scoping directions". The closing date is C.O.B 12 December 2013.
In order to help you make sense of this process and to avoid your having to digest mountains of literature, we are sending you a template statement on the Comprehensive Impact Statement which you can simply sign and send off or develop as you see fit. You might want to add some additional comments. Be sure to fill out the Cover Sheet. You can send your submission by email or by snail mail. Many thanks to staff in the Office of Greens Federal Member for Melbourne Adam Bandt who developed the statement. (We added to some sections.)
While many regard the "consultation" process over the East West Link as a sham, we consider that it is imperative that Victorians deluge the State Government with objections to the East West Link in the form of submissions to this enquiry. In 2008 over 2,600 people make submissions to the Eddington Review on the then Government's proposal for Mark I of the East West Link. (Many submissions were on proforma.) As you may know the East West Link was "deleted" from the Brumby Government's 2008 Transport Plan.We were told that "people power" was a factor in the decision.
More bad news re the East West Link. We have confirmation that a 700 metre section across Royal Park will be open cut (and cover later - if ever); that the excavated spoil will be trucked out of Royal Park to fill up quarry sites in Keilor; and that CityLink will be widened on the west side taking out parklands, gardens, sports fields and a playground in the municipality of Moonee Valley.
We urge you not only to make a submission but if you belong to a group, please send on this request to your members.
Download the templates here (word docs):
- Submission to Comprehensive Impact Statement on the East West Link November 2013(1).doc
- East-West-Link-Submission-Coversheet-301013.doc
Julianne Bell
Protectors of Public Lands Victoria Inc.
PO Box 197
Parkville 3052
Thanks to Bernard Flinn for the Video giving graphic information on the proposed development.
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