Maritime Union of Australia petition against cheap foreign labour for Australian jobs
This is not a campaign based on racism or xenophobia but a campaign to ensure we have the same right as workers in every country - the right to work. Abbot has used secrecy, force and deception to stop starving refugees desperate to come to Australia for a better life but has opened the door for employers to fly in foreign workers to take our jobs.
Unless we stop these bad laws, Australian labour will be locked out of the offshore sector (both marine and construction). Tony Abbot will not stop there. He will continue to de-regulate the labour market in other sectors of the economy including stevedoring, construction, transport, manufacturing and hospitality.
The MUA are encouraging workers (regardless of what union they are in or whether they are in a union) to sign the petition. In addition, the MUA is encouraging members to get politically active to ensure we have a political voice to protect our sovereign right to work in this country. Members who want a career in the maritime industry should contact the Branch and request an ALP form so they can join the maritime branch of the Australian Labour Party. We need to ensure that we get a voice in parliament to protect our job security, pay and conditions.
It is important that you circulate this petition to workmates, friends and family. The only thing that will defeat us is complacency.
In Struggle
Chris Cain
MUA WA Branch Secretary
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