Are human rights for all as important as human rights for one; resulting in a better outcome for one and all?

Net Global Emissions Rise Faster due to Australia's Inhumane Mass Migration Policy

Statistics show that Australia's emissions per capita are amongst the highest of any country; as is our rate of population growth. Published estimates of global emissions per capita, Australian emissions per capita and the emissions per capita of countries from whence migrants come all indicate that, on average, a migrant once arrived in Australia roughly triples his/her emissions. On average around 200,000 or more people per year migrate into Australia. Roughly two thirds of their emissions from that point onwards are "new" emissions caused by Australia's mass migration policy. So the impact is not only on Australian emissions growth but also on net global emissions growth. This is happening far faster than any strategy, implemented or otherwise, could reduce emissions in Australia, because this is exponential growth and emissions reduction cannot occur exponentially indefinitely. Something has to be done to stabilise population in all countries in the short to medium term; and in particular in Australia. This is a scientific fact - as is evidence of climate change. The ABC had over 6 years of public policy debate to point this out. Did they? All I remember is incessant rhetoric about the value of an ill-conceived Carbon Tax. At the same time, ABS statistics indicate that deterioration of many social and economic KPIs in Australia may be, or is, directly influenced by mass migration. Does the ABC ever refer to these statistics? The KPIs also indicate that economic impacts of mass migration may be, or are, directly influencing Australia's growth in debt and reduction in foreign aid. Does the ABC ever refer to this fundamental reality? Mass migration is really just an autocratically imposed perpetuation of the dispossession of the Aboriginal people, and all who follow them into Australia. The decision-makers are politicians and bureaucrats whose primary incentives are based on short term profit; otherwise known as economic advice. The environmental and humanitarian impacts of Australia's mass migration policy are regarded as no more than "the cost of doing business". Yet the ABS statistics also suggest Government policy based on GDP-focussed, population-fuelled economic advice is also an economic failure. Australia is a country where environmental NGOs and dishonest public broadcasting are used to paint a false picture of reality; making Australia one of the most hypocritical and dishonest countries on (what remains of) the planet. When will the hypocrisy end? When will human rights for all be granted equivalent status to human rights for one; resulting in a better outcome for one and all?