Trigger for building Wonthaggi Desalination Plant and Sugarloaf Pipeline was extreme population growth
Victorians are burdened with debt for the next 30 years (or until the next major drought) because of chaotic decision-making driven by extreme population growth. The Final Investment Decision for the Wonthaggi desalination plant occurred in June 2009, right at the lowest point in remaining water storage of about 26%. From that point onwards, the reservoirs started to fill.
In the preceding decade about 600,000 people had migrated into Melbourne, increasing demand for water by roughly 20% over the course of the drought. This triggered the decision. The Sugarloaf Pipeline was another example of chaotic and ill-conceived infrastructure expansion driven by irrational population growth based on a legacy of 19th century thinking:
This article is points to the negative economic impacts of extreme population growth:
The Federal Budget is growing at 6-8% per capita per annum while GDP per capita rises at less than 1% per capita per annum.
Vote "Armstrong 4 Albert Park" in the election on 29 November 2014.
The Sustainable Population Party is the only political party in Australia with a policy that reflects the concerns of a majority of Australian's for reducing the rate of population growth in the name of sustainability. This is synonymous with both domestic and international human rights and has nothing to do with reducing refugee intake.
The SPP is the only real "Green" party in Australia. The Greens continue to support an inhumane and environmentally destructive policy of extreme population in Australia.
A deteriorating economy has the capacity to stop cuts in foreign aid that directly contribute to infant mortality and lack of family planning in the developing world. Also; every wealthy new migrant entering Australia, on average, triples their carbon emissions and displaces existing Australians from jobs.
This is "the greatest moral issue of our time" involving continued dispossession of the Australian Aboriginals and all who follow them. It is the action of autocratic government driven by irrational pursuit of something called GDP growth that doesn't even deliver successful economic outcomes.
Open public policy debate on this issue will never occur without elected representatives who can stand up for the rights of all Australians to due diligence on development of population growth policy.
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