Is ABC MD Mark Scott a walking talking contradiction?
Mark Scott is described on the internet as a businessman. But as MD of the ABC isn't he first and foremost a public servant?
On 1 April 2014 The Guardian quoted him as saying: "Mark Scott: News Corp papers never more aggressive than now. ABC managing director warns of dangers for Australian public debate in 'winner takes all' media battle. The strident editorial stance of some of the mastheads in Rupert Murdoch’s media empire had serious implications for "public debate and the contest of ideas" as they headed towards an almost total print monopoly in a "winner takes all" media battle, the public broadcasting chief said on Tuesday evening."
More recently the ABC's MD, Mark Scott, agreed that allowing Zaky Mallah on Q&A was poor judgement, but defended the ABC as being an independent public broadcaster and not a government broadcaster, and as such was on the side of the people of Australia. This was in sharp contrast to a state broadcaster that only represented the views of the government of the day. Scott said it was important to allow people, including the criminal and corrupt to “express views that run contrary to accepted public values” as part of free speech. “We still need to hear in order to gain insight into thinking, into motivation. To understand the root cause of behaviours and actions that we might find confronting and alarming, or worse.”
So Scott tells a story that is contrary to the ABC's suppression of the population growth issue in Australia, which is arguably of major relevance to issues such as carbon emissions and the Australian Budget. Scott has been MD since 2010 and has presided over ABC coverage of both without once addressing the relationship between Australia's extreme population growth and these issues.
Just to reiterate these relationships:
- Between 1991 and 2011 ABS statistics show that Australia's emissions and population grew by 32%. This growth rate far exceeded the most optimistic predictions of what a carbon tax could do to reduce emissions. This provides strong evidence that population growth is having negative environmental impacts
- For the last decade or more the Federal Budget has been growing by roughly 8% per capita per annum while GDP has grown at less than 1% per capita per annum while infrastructure investment (which should be financed in part by the Federal Budget) has been unable to keep up with demand. This provides strong evidence that population growth is having negative financial impacts
At the same time the ABC effectively promoted the concept of a Carbon Tax by concealing the potentially futile nature of such a tax in a country whose population growth rate is roughly 4 times the OECD country average.
At the same time the ABC failed to mention repeated polling over the last decade or more which shows 50% or more of Australians have significant concerns about the rate of population growth.
At the same time the ABC has repeatedly referred to people travelling to Australia from Indonesia with people smugglers on boats as "refugees" while Europe refers to such people as "migrants". We can be sure they are all migrants, whereas defining them as refugees requires case by case analysis.
But is it possible that the media's obsession with the word "refugee" is just part of the mass migration scam? The duplicitous policy of a country dedicated to foolish extreme population growth? A country whose most recent annual target was 13,750 "refugees" and 190,000 "migrants"?
So Mark Scott repeatedly lectures us about his dedication to "public debate and the contest of ideas" and the need to “express views that run contrary to accepted public values as part of free speech.", yet he appears to have been dedicated to the complete opposite when it comes to the Carbon Tax and Population Growth Management.
He describes the "ABC as being an independent public broadcaster and not a government broadcaster, and as such was on the side of the people of Australia.", yet with the Carbon Tax he appeared to provide biased and dishonest support for the government of the day as they passed their Carbon Tax legislation.
He has done the same with all governments in support of extreme population growth by failing to identify the direct correlation between population growth and emissions growth, or population growth and unsustainable Federal Budget growth.
Mark Scott looks somewhat schizophrenic, describing himself as a businessman rather than public servant, and as a leader of independent media that looks more like a tool of government in relation to at least two of the most important issues facing modern Australia; both of which are driven by government's autocratic mass migration policy. This is in turn driven by incoherent short term GDP chasing that simply isn't backed up by the social, environmental or economic facts.
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