When will legislation be passed to produce the real weather report?
This article provides a simple explanation of how to tackle the climate change problem. Talk about it. Government should pass legislation to include population growth and emissions growth on all weather reports
Short termism is nowhere more obvious than the daily weather report; which focuses on what is going to happen tomorrow. But if so many people are concerned about spreading the message of climate change, why not use the daily weather report to do it?
Think about it. Imagine every media organisation under a legal obligation to report the following on a daily basis because of their long term impact on the weather:
- Australian population growth today as annualised number and percentage
- Australian population growth due to births/deaths and net migration
- Australian emissions growth as annualised number and percentage
- The same for the entire planet
- Top 10 countries in both categories
How long do you think it would take for the entire population to recognise the correlation between population growth and emissions growth? How long do you think it would take to recognise Australia’s extremism in these two key areas which require moderation on a global scale?
And if we took it one step further and legislated to make all financial reports obliged to report not Federal Budget cost or GDP growth; but rather report these on a per capita basis to make the correlation between population growth and diminishing per capita wealth obvious? Shouldn’t legislation compel all financial media to report these figures with transparency to the citizens of Australia?
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