In the US Presidential race, both roads lead to financial collapse, resource depletion, war, irreversible climate change, species extinction, chaos, despair and hopelessness.
Listen up my American friends:
The Time Is Ripe For This Man To Lead Your Exceptionally Debt-Ridden Nation!
Promising a “lean and mean” hands-off do-nothing limited government, the late Chris Clugston ponders America’s future as the first posthumous President to occupy the Oval Office (February, 2013).
The Presidential election is but one week away. In just one week, Americans will be going to the polls to elect THE LEADER OF THE FREE WORLD.
As a duly paid up member of that world, I therefore feel entitled to stick my nose in it---despite lacking American citizenship. Alas, I have a "voice" , but no vote. I therefore delegate that awesome responsibility to you. You have it within your power to make a choice that will affect untold generations ahead.
You stand at a critical junction, and must choose to take one of two roads.
One road leads to financial collapse, resource depletion, war, irreversible climate change, species extinction, chaos, despair and hopelessness. While the other road leads to financial collapse, resource depletion, war, irreversible climate change, species extinction, chaos, despair and hopelessness.
The choice, as exceptional Americans, is yours and only yours to make.
However, as I intimated, since I have an enormous stake in the outcome, I feel it my right to at least try to influence you to do what is right. Once again, I urge you to vote for the only credible third party candidate, Chris Clugston, who alone among the contestants has taken the novel path of speaking the blunt truth. Civilization is finished.
I sent out the attached election document early in the campaign, but as the Decision Day nears, I thought it important to remind you that there is a clear alternative to hopelessness. It is hopelessness backed up with empirically solid evidence. The kind of hopelessness which will spare you the wasted time and energy that would be involved in chasing after Romney and Obama's ridiculous "fixes" for something that can't be fixed.
The choice is not between red or blue, between Romney's tax cuts for the rich and the borrow, tax and spend agenda of Obama. But, on the one hand, between those who argue about which formula will best promote growth (Romney-nomics vs. Obamanomics), and on the other, Chris Clugston, who argues that we should take our foot off the gas pedal so that we can coast, rather than race, to the cliff. We'll be dead soon enough! So why the rush?
I make this plea now because, as I speak, Chris is presently hunkered down in a Philadelphia suburb hoping to survive the Frankenstorm, and it is entirely possible that he will never again be able to give a live presentation. We don't really care if he makes it through of course, so long as he has backed up his data on a hard disc secured in a storm-proof safe. We need that data!
Perhaps, if his campaign suddenly catches fire in this last week of electioneering, he might become the first President-elect who was elected posthumously. That might make him the most effective leader ever to make it to the Oval Office---albeit as an embalmed corpse or something less composed. After all, some economists (of the Mises school) argue that Calvin Coolidge cured the 1921 depression precisely because he didn't try to. Perhaps then, by being unable to actively pursue growthist policies, an embalmed corpse or skeletal Commander-in-Chief in the White House would be just the lame duck President we are looking for. Someone with the backbone to resist any call to get the economy moving again.
Tim Murray
October 29, 2012
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