Fri, 2024-12-20 16:16 by brolga-brolga We’d like to get together, said Blinky Bill to Heather And share a branch of Christmas leaves. No matter what the weather We’ve always had a party since Blinky Bill the book Before that, heaven knows No-one’s been there to look. Christmas is a concept, introduced by the invaders We koalas have adopted it With good cheer and behaviours So we like to get together at this time of year but It’s getting ever harder as we cross the road with fear. We’re looking for our relatives but our habitat’s now houses We can’t see friends and family there but women wearing blouses. And Uncle Pete got caught last week down in Woolworth’s carpark It took 3 days to find the lift and exit through the checkout. I heard that Auntie Kylie is in a tree forlorn Alone in a barren paddock, unable to forewarn. She’ll starve as it’s the only tree for miles and miles around There’s no path for us to find her and no forest in which to bound Cousin Phil is in a little town amidst a luscious garden He cries out loudly every night asks young Louis to beg his pardon He’s looking for a mate nearby but it seems that he is stranded, With no answer to his mating calls, a wife he has not landed. Alone we strive to bridge that gap To find our kith and kin And celebrate with leafy cake Another Christmas in Australia Topic: koala extinctionKoalasChristmaspoembrolga-brolga Add comment Your name Title Comment * Formatting options Filtered HTMLWeb page addresses and email addresses turn into links automatically, unless the parent tag has the 'nolink' class.Links to Twitter status updates are converted to Embedded Tweets.Twitter-style #hashtags are linked to message links are opened in new windows and rel="nofollow" is added.Twitter-style @usernames are linked to their Twitter account pages. author ids - None - Cancel Leave this field blank
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