Video: Clifford Hayes on "Planning and local democracy" in "Must Melbourne keep growing?

Mr Hayes, who is a past mayor of Bayside, talks about how the minister has absolute power to give permission for the building of apartments so miniscule that no-one else would give permission. How our 'planning system' is completely market driven and only really exists to facilitate a 'financial motivation in planning'. Clifford also talks about environment and embodied energy with respect to planning and construction. This is a great talk, well delivered.
Video inside.
Tue, 2014-06-17 09:12
We need to all become proud NIMBYs
Sheila Newman
Tue, 2014-06-17 13:29
If NIMBYs won't defend their backyards, who will?
Yes. Maybe NIMBY with some statement, such as, "If I don't defend my backyard from overpopulation and overdevelopment, who will?"
"If we all defend our backyards, we can get rid of our unrepresentative government."
"If you defend my backyard, I'll defend yours"
"The world is our backyard, let's defend it"
um... any other ideas?
DennisK (not verified)
Wed, 2014-06-18 08:47
Not a victory, merely proof that victory is possible
As some has pointed out, this protects the areas where the developers are likely to live, and makes suburbs like mine even bigger targets.
NIMBY'ism backfires when your BY is favoured over my BY. This should not be seen as a victory, but merely proof that victory is possible. Remember, the deeper problem is forced growth. This hasn't abated at all.
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