Shelley writes: "The township of Kilmore escaped entirely, but Kilmore East did not. No homes were lost here that I know off. Wandong, Heathcote Junction and further down to Whittlesea were devastated. One of our members, Anne Rose, was evacuated but was very lucky that her home escaped.
Many homes in Wandong, Heathcote Junction were lost, along with peoples lives. The area is blackened and devastated. Amazingly, the fire went almost completely around the pub and general store and medical center.
Many friends of mine and friends of friends were burnt out. The Wallan Multipurpose Centre is full of displaced people and their animals.
My friend Rebecca and I went to our local horse shop today and asked for donations to the Whittlesea Vet Clinic which we both use. The horse shop was very generous and donated about 50 cotton horse rugs and boxes and boxes of bandages and dressings. We were very grateful and the Clinic accepted them with open arms.
Burnt horses and cattle need medicine, rugs and food
There are many burnt horses and cattle. Our wonderful Vet Malcolm Ware of Whittlesea is doing a marvelous job but unfortunately in most cases not a plesant one. One of Malcolm's staff lost her life whilst trying to move her horses. Another of his vets lost his home, but is living in the clinic and still working to try and save the animals.
Transport needed!
The animals need clean (preferably new) horse rugs (in all sizes), fodder and wound cleansing solution (iodine) and the like.
They are also in desperate need of hay. There are lots of people willing to donate but I am not sure how to get it there.
Thanks for all your thoughts Mary, I'm sure that if anyone can get the word around you can.
Sheila Newman
Wed, 2009-02-11 12:36
Urban councils can start relief programs for bushfire victims
Gus and Lesley Gager (not verified)
Thu, 2009-02-12 06:09
Malcolm Ware
I am so relieved to read that Malcom Ware (the Whittlesea vet) is O.K.
He was over here in Whangaparaoa, N.Z. for Etchell sailing a few years ago and stayed with us. His real concern for the drought & what it could mean in the future then, for everyone, was really worrying him.
He really cares for the animals. Can you let him know we are thinking of him and everyone there as I havnt been able to contact him directly.
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