corporations, instead of
PDVSA, which is owned
by the Venezuelan people,
to be able to extract,
export & sell Venezuela's
natural wealth (see
embedded video).
The most recent of many attempts by the United States to overthrow the government of Venezuela has also failed, but not without a terrrible cost. According to a 27 page report by economists Mark Weisbrot and Jeffrey Sachs (pdf here) the sanctions imposed on Venezuela since 2017 and theft of billions of dollars of Venezuela's gold and bank deposits have cost the lives of 40,000 Venezuelans, yet, in spite of all these hardships, ordinary Venezuelans, including members of the armed forces, rallied to defeat the attempted coup of 30 April.
The United States government leaders have made little effort to conceal their motives for having caused this much death and suffering. Watch below, National Security adviser John Bolton (pictured above), explain to Fox News on 29 January 2019 how United States' oil corporations will soon be able to able to take over the extraction and export of Venezuelan petroleum once their actions against Venezuela achieves their goal of having their appointed 'President' Juan Guaido take over from from the elected President Nicolas Maduro.
US coup in Venezuela motivated by oil and corporate interests - Neocon John Bolton spills the beans
"We're looking at the oil assets. That's the single most important income stream to the government of Venezuela. We're looking at what to do to that. We're in conversation with major American companies now. I think we're trying to get to the same end result here."
"It'll make a big difference to the United States, economically, if we could have American oil companies really invest in and produce the oil capabilities in Venezuela. It'd be good for the people of Venezuela. It'd be good for the people of the United States. We both have a lot at stake here making this come out the right way."
The above confirms the worst fears of the motives of the neo-con swamp that still controls the White House's foreign policy: All their platitudes about 'freedom' and 'democracy' for Venezuela are nothing more than a cynical smokescreen to cover their plans to take from Venezuela its natural wealth and hand it across to their corporate mates.
Until these thieving, lying criminals are thrown out of office and, together with their military industrial complex mates, are made to face justice, there cannot be peace.
Sun, 2019-09-08 01:04
Will Venezuela finally hold Guaido to account for his treason?
On 23 January 2019, Juan Guaidó, who was virtually unknown in Venezuela at the time, declared himself 'interim President of Venezuela.' He did this at the behest of his masters in the United States government: Secretary of State Pompeo and U.S. National Security Adviser John Bolton. Bolton on at least one occasion shamelessly stated that he wanted U.S. oil corporations to be able to exploit Venezuela's oil wealth once the elected President Nicolas Maduro had been replaced by Guaidó.
In spite of Guaido's clear act of treason on behalf of a country which has repeatedly interfered destructively in the affairs of Venezuela and practically every other country in Latin America since before the start of the twentieth century, Guaidó and his supporters have, astonishingly, been allowed until now, to freely walk around Venezuela in pursuit of their nefarious goals. Guaido has openly asked for an invasion of Venezuela by the United States, and called for the continuation of the sanctions which have so devastated his country, costing 40,000 lives by one estimate!
Finally, nearly eight months later, it seems that the Venezuelan government has finally decided to act against Guaidó, even if not explicitly for the actions described above.
As Stephen Lendman reports in Venezuelan Usurper Guaido to Be Charged with High Treason? (7/9/10):
The U.S. has since warned the Venezuelan government that there will be consequences should it proceed to prosecute Guaidó. Let's hope the Venezuelan government stands up to this bullying. Certainly the U.S. should be made to feel welcome to send an attorney to defend Guaidó before the Venezuelan courts, but the International community must tell the U.S. to let the Venezuelan justice system take its course and to get its thieving, bloody hands out of Venezuela!
Mon, 2021-01-25 11:28
How Juan Guaidó's treason compares with Alexei Navalny's antics
The following has been expanded from a tweet in response to Tim Anderson's question, "Spot the difference between Alexei Navalny and Juan Guaidó":
Mon, 2021-02-22 23:49
Venezuelan left attacked whilst traitor Juan Guaidó walks free!?
From Maduro Accuses Left and Communist Party of Being Agents of Imperialism (16/2/21) by Ernesto León | Venezuelanalysis:
My comment: For years I have despaired at the way the Bolivarian government of Venezuela has allowed Juan Guaidó, who openly sides with the United States against that government, to freely walk the streets of Venezuela. Given that at least 40,000 (a very outdated estimate) Venezuelans have died as a consequence of United States' sanctions that Juan Guaidó has repeatedly supported, for President Nicolas Maduro not to have put him on trial for treason is, at best, gross negligence on his part.
Were such a trial to occur in public, the case against Juan Guaidó would be seen by world public opinion to be overwhelming and conclusive.
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