Author Content

Author content by James Sinnamon
Title When
ASIO asked the CIA to keep secret details of US phone discussions about the assassination with its Australian embassy prior to the assassination of JFK - Gerard Rennick Fri, 2025-03-21 00:01
The Axis of Genocide, the Axis of Resistance, and the Axis of Surrender Wed, 2025-03-19 14:20
Video: Senator Rennick: Major parties only want more power, not solutions to Australia's problems Fri, 2025-02-21 21:24
Let's talk more about Turkey's role in the Middle East Tue, 2025-02-18 15:37
Five years imprisonment in Israel, if you dispute that this much damage was caused on October 7 by Hamas's small arms and RPGs Wed, 2025-01-22 22:49
Poles protest the invitation of genocidal Prime Minister of Israel to commemorate the 1945 liberation of the Auschwitz-Birkenau death camp Tue, 2025-01-14 23:37
Tens of thousands of American anti-Zionist Rabbis declared that the Israeli government does not represent the Jewish people Fri, 2024-12-27 02:40
Citizens Party's Robbie Barwick speaks for imprisoned whistleblowers at the electoral office of Australian Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus Thu, 2024-12-26 22:09
Posts about Syria on Twitter/X Fri, 2024-12-13 10:43
Ask your Senators to block Labor’s Orwellian “Misinformation Bill” Wed, 2024-11-20 01:49
Reject the "Combatting Misinformation and Disinformation" bill Mon, 2024-09-30 11:40
Security Council meeting video shows how the US, with its veto and the supply of weapons to Israel, helps murder women, children, doctors and reporters in Gaza Sat, 2024-08-24 01:50
Sheila Newman artist in residence Oak Hill Gallery comments on Frankston population and development dystopia Sun, 2024-07-28 14:02
Video discussion: Patriotic Armenians resist Prime Minister Pashinyan's latest surrender to Azerbaijan Fri, 2024-07-19 20:36
Armenians rise up to prevent US puppet ruler surrendering Armenian territory to Azerbaijan Wed, 2024-05-15 23:11
Armenians demanding the resignation of Quisling Prime Minister Pashinyan may face military intervention by Azerbaijan and Turkey Sun, 2024-05-12 01:51
Archbishop Bagrat Gastanyan, before protest in Yerevan's Republic Square, demands resignation of traitor Prime Minister Pashinyan Sat, 2024-05-11 00:14
As Israel proceeds with its murder of Palestinians in Rafah, doing nothing is not an option - Spanish Social Rights Minister Ione Belarra Wed, 2024-05-08 15:43
Armenians from Tavush march to Yerevan to prevent the surrender of their province to Azerbaijan by Quisling President Pashinyan Tue, 2024-05-07 01:49
Why is Joe Biden enabling the invasion of his own country by illegal aliens? Mon, 2024-05-06 02:02
Proper debate on Julian Assange urgently needed in Parliament Sun, 2024-05-05 08:39
Facts about Israel's murder of 34,000 Palestinians in Gaza put to Israeli spokesman on Norwegian TV Wed, 2024-05-01 23:49
How the Australian government could end the illegal imprisonment and torture of Julian Assange – an open letter to Prime Minister Anthony Albanese Thu, 2024-04-25 23:44
Live discussion of how Quisling Armenian President Pashinyan is attacking those Armenians who are resisting further land theft by Azerbaijan Thu, 2024-04-25 01:56
Armenians resist further surrender of territory to Azerbaijan by Pashinyan regime - updates from 21 April Mon, 2024-04-22 22:28
Armenians resist further surrender of territory to Azerbaijan by Quisling Pashinyan regime Sun, 2024-04-21 00:12
Israel could soon start World War 3?! Tue, 2024-04-16 22:42
Twitter/X posts about Israel's mass murder of Palestinians in Gaza Mon, 2024-03-25 11:41
Video of interview: Newly elected UK MP George Galloway on the fight to free Julian Assange and to stop Israel's genocide in Gaza Tue, 2024-03-05 01:41
George Galloway, who has just won the UK Rochdale by-election, denounces Israel's genocide in Gaza Fri, 2024-03-01 21:26
Video asks you to act now to stop the illegal extradition of Julian Assange to the United States Tue, 2024-02-27 01:02
End the Australian government’s support for Israel’s extermination of Gaza Palestinians Sun, 2024-02-18 07:05
How the Julian Assange Support Group can hold to account the Albanese government for its failure to support Julian Assange and how you can help Sun, 2024-02-11 21:02
Support Group says No to Extradition: Protest this Tuesday in Canberra for Julian Assange Sun, 2024-02-11 04:28
Tucker Carlson explains why he will be interviewing Russian President Vladimir Putin Wed, 2024-02-07 10:10
Will all the facts about Israel's war of extermination in Gaza be acknowledged when Australia's Parliament resumes on Tuesday? Mon, 2024-02-05 13:37
United Nations General Assembly prepares to vote on motion calling for a ceasefire in Gaza on Tuesday 12 December at 3:00pm (New York Time) - Watch Live Wed, 2023-12-13 03:18
Miko Peled, citizen of Israel, condemns Israel's mass murder of Palestinians in Gaza - Video Sat, 2023-12-09 16:51
Honest Government Ad | How to rig elections Mon, 2023-11-27 01:40
Australia must act to stop Israel’s mass murder of Gaza Palestinians Sun, 2023-11-26 23:33
Is Facebook protecting visitors from 'sensitive content' or trying to hide this evidence of Israel's murder of a Palestinian boy? Sat, 2023-11-25 05:55
From Redacted News: "All Ukraine's YOUNG men are dead" NATO has killed an entire generation Tue, 2023-11-21 01:32
