In 2005, British journalist, Patrick Lancaster, documented the breaking of the Minsk Agreements from a trench, while Ukraine forces opened fire on the Luhansk People's Republic (LPR) positions with artillery, sniper fire, and small arms. He writes, "We were in the LPR trenches when intense battle erupted. Here is unedited video of the point when the LPR position we were in was complete bombarded with artillery.The Ukraine War is still raging." This is the war that US-NATO denies. Russia's President Putin waited for 8 years before he stopped waiting for Ukraine and its western backers to honour the Minsk agreements and allow Donbass some autonomy. Because the west continued to back this constant shelling of Donbass, affecting a large Russian-speaking population there, after multiple warnings. It is shameful that Australia supports this war and the lies that are used to keep it going.
Robert Chernenko (not verified)
Wed, 2022-04-27 17:57
Patrick Lancaster, like many
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