Paul Edbrook, State Labor MP for Frankston, has repeatedly failed to respond usefully to complaints from constituents regarding the forced accommodation of a Metropolitan Activity Centre under the increasingly authoritarian regime of Premier Jacinta Allan's Victorian Government. Inside this article, we have published two complaint letters, along with the negligent and empty responses from Mr. Edbrook or his staff, despite the great importance of the matter. Our correspondent was particularly shocked by Premier Allan's divisive categorization of individuals into 'builders and blockers.' This term echoes the infamous 'lifters and leaners' rhetoric of the notorious right-wing figure Ayn Rand and sounds particularly jarring coming from a so-called 'Labor Party' Premier. This politically unsanitary term for members of the public is also being used in the increasingly right-wing and construction-dominated UK.[1]
Some of many letters to Paul Edbrook from Frankston resident, Elizabeth.
From Elizabeth [redacted]
Sent: Wednesday, October 9, 2024 10:15 AM
To: Paul Edbrooke <[email protected]>
Subject: Planning
Dear Paul,
I write yet again about the controversial planning decisions being made by your government, for Frankston, as well as for greater Melbourne. I was shocked and extremely disappointed in the disgracefully arrogant comment posted by the premier on her Facebook page (see attachment), in effect dismissing anyone who disagrees with her. This is not the Labor Party I grew up with, which showed empathy and compassion to the community. Just another example to confirm my decision (and that of many other ex-Labor supporters), to change my vote at the next election. I note with great interest that you still have not commented publicly on the major changes being made in the development of Frankston, which will change it forever. I am still waiting for a response re your opinion of same. I will keep asking, and feel we deserve an answer, as you are our representative.
Regards, Liz [redacted] [Ed. See attached Age article illustration]
From: Paul Edbrooke
Date: 11 October 2024 at 11:54:49 AM AEDT
To: Elizabeth [redacted] Subject: RE: Planning>
To: Elizabeth [redacted] Subject: RE: Planning
Good morning, Elizabeth. Thank you for contacting the office regarding the email details below. I will forward the information to Mr Edbrooke for his review and consideration. Please do not hesitate to contact the office should you have any further questions.>
Kind regards Karen>
Shop 5/49 Beach Street Frankston VIC 3199 ph. (03) 9783 9822
-----Original Message-----
From: Liz [redacted]
Sent: Sunday, 1 December 2024 5:56 PM
To: Paul Edbrooke <[email protected]>
Subject: Activity Centres
Dear Paul,
I have contacted your office on a number of occasions (to no avail) to express my objection to the approval of high rise development close to the Frankston foreshore.
The planning minister and premier have now proposed additional “Catchment Areas” around Activity Centres, allowing for development heights of up to six storeys, along with concerning changes to planning controls.
The premier has attempted to divide the community by singling out Brighton residents as “blockers”, whilst the reality is that there is a groundswell of opposition coming from many of the other Activity Centres, including here in Frankston.
As a resident of Frankston who is very unhappy about the rushed and unimaginative housing “solution”, I ask that the planning minister, Sonya Kilkenny, urgently provide the following:
1. Community forums in the proposed Activity Centres, so everyone has the opportunity to ask questions and express their concerns. This would have been helpful before such major changes were decided.
2. Public release of the Drainage Impact Assessment.
3. Public release of the Community Infrastructure Needs Assessment.
4. Public release of the Transport Infrastructure Needs Assessment.
5. Public release of the summary of VPA submissions and survey response (including the numbers opposing and supporting).
6. The summary of the second CRG meeting be made public.
7. Public release of the strategic justification for the Catchment Areas.
The communities whose suburbs are facing huge (and negative, in my opinion) changes deserve to be treated with more respect by the Allan state government, rather than being labelled “ blockers” just because they express concern about losing the very characteristics that make these suburbs so “liveable”.
Kind regards,
Liz [redacted]
From: Paul Edbrooke <[email protected]>
Date: 2 December 2024 at 10:39:50 AM AEDT
To: Liz [redacted]
Subject: RE: Activity Centres
Good morning Liz,
Thank you for contacting the office of Paul Edbrooke MP in relation to the Activity Centres across the state and in particular Frankston.
I have forwarded your concern to the Planning Minister's office team to be addressed.
I will be in contact with you when advice from the planning minister is made available to Paul's office.
Kind regards,
On behalf of the office of:
Paul Edbrooke MP I State Member for Frankston
Shop 5/49 Beach Street Frankston VIC 3199
ph. (03) 9783 9822
e: [email protected] w: fb:
This office is located on the land of the Kulin Nations
From Paul Edbrook
On 26 Jun 2024, at 1:03 PM,
Paul Edbrooke <[email protected]> wrote:
Good afternoon Liz,
Thank you for sharing your concerns with the office of Paul Edbrooke MP.
So I can assist you further, could you please provide your residential address and best contact number.
Kind regards,
On behalf of the office of:
Paul Edbrooke MP I State Member for Frankston
Shop 5/49 Beach Street Frankston VIC 3199 ph. (03) 9783 9822
e: [email protected] w: fb:
This office is located on the land of the Kulin Nations
-----Original Message-----
From: Liz [redacted]
Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2024 9:47 AM
To: Paul Edbrooke <[email protected]>
Subject: “Planning”
Dear Paul,
I am writing to express my horror (as have many letter-writers to the Age today) at the direction this state is heading, ie the obsession with cramming more and more people into large towers. Where is the discussion about the necessity for a population explosion, and infrastructure, services, amenity? Our state is crumpling under the pressure on our infrastructure, so how on earth will we cope with huge increases in our suburbs?
Frankston is already becoming a basket case, and I for one do not intend to stay here once we are surrounded by high rise. On our daily walks we see house after house bulldozed, along with the garden vegetation, and replaced by a concrete monstrosity surrounded by stones and very little greenery. So much for amenity, let alone climate change.
Melbourne is fast becoming less liveable, and this upsets me greatly.
I am a long time Labor voter, but like many people I know, will not in all conscience be able to bring myself to vote Labor in the next election.
I would prefer the Suburban Rail Loop to be postponed than the upcoming cuts to our hospitals, which is just disgraceful. And don’t get me started on the poor state of our mental health services…..
Liz [redacted]
Sue (not verified)
Thu, 2025-02-27 14:17
How many people don't know what Melbourne Planning is up to?
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