Click image for the same hamster film that is in the teaser for this article.
Or click to go to thewebsite of the impossible hamster.
You can download a file about how long we have to go before, according to the New Economics group, climate change build up reaches tipping point.
Wed, 2010-01-27 23:26
Know of one economist who doesn't believe in infinite growth
Sheila Newman
Thu, 2010-01-28 12:31
sane economists
John Marlowe
Thu, 2010-01-28 23:19
'economics' = Greek for "rules of thumb for estate management."
"The word "economics" is based on Greek roots, but that is a bit of a humbug, since the Greeks didn't have a field of study anything like economics.
The two Greek roots of the word "economics" are oikos -- meaning more or less the household or family estate -- and nomos, which can mean rules, natural laws or laws made by the government, but which in this case primarily means "wise saws" or "rules of thumb."
Thus the book Oikonomia, by the Greek author Xenophon, is probably best translated as "rules of thumb for estate management."
So economics means guessing property values - up there with real estate agents - with vested interests in profiting.
Charlene (not verified)
Fri, 2010-01-29 02:41
exponential growth explained
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