Raising orphaned joeys is a job that requires dedication, time, money, compassion and commitment. It means night and day feeds, special formulas, quietness to avoid stress, warmth and special bonding. All this can simply be wiped out by the released animals being "managed" by the NSW government!
NSW land-owner and wildlife carer of orphaned kangaroo joeys James Fitzgerald, had the horror and injustice of two of his hand raised joeys, rescued in 2008 and released in 2009, go missing since the kangaroo "harvester" came to his adjacent property.
According to Nicole Payne, Manager of the Kangaroo Management Plan, Environment Protection and Regulation Office of Environment and Heritage in NSW, for occupiers of a commercial kangaroos "harvesters" licences, there is no requirement that they consult the occupiers of land neighbouring where they are to do their legal slaughter. The size, location of the neighbouring properties is noted when the licence is given , but they are not consulted. That means that it is simply unfortunate that wildlife carers lose their released kangaroos to the "harvest" because that is how it is according to the National Parks and Wildlife Act, and the NSW Commercial Harvest Kangaroo Management Plan. Bad luck!
For landowners who want to live in harmony with Nature, the environment and care for wildlife, there is little compassion, hope or consideration. Bureaucrats in Canberra and in State "environment" departments can simply - with a signature and sanction - wipe out all care and protection devoted individuals give to wildlife suffering from numerous lethal threats.
My letter to Nicole Payne, wildlife "manager", is below.
Dear Ms Nicole Payne
Manager, Kangaroo Management Plan
Environment Protection and Regulation
Office of Environment and Heritage
I am writing to add my concern with that of James Fitzgerald (see attached) who has the horror and injustice of 2 of his hand raised joeys that were rescued in 2008 and released in 2009 but have been missing since the kangaroo "harvester" came. How are his rights to appreciate wildlife, a rural lifestyle, and his life commitment to caring for wildlife being appreciated and protected if kangaroos are "harvested" ( they are not vegetables or fruit) in the adjacent property? Why are the economic rights of these red-neck killers have a higher priority than landowners who want to live in harmony with their environment, and actually nurture and love their animals? This is shameful, that we in Australia treat our native animals, animals that are NOT pests and exist only in Australia, with such contempt?
He has lived on my 780acre property in peace for 7 years but all has changed now! These killers have more rights than valid environmentalists and wildlife protectors?
Kangaroos are part of Australia's natural heritage. They evolved here and are part of our environmental and native grassland management, naturally. They are what needs protecting! According to your official title, this is your role. However, you approval of this bloodshed is actually contradictory - and quite ironical! You need to stop the hypocrisy and start protecting our wildlife, and kangaroo numbers are plummeting, and start protecting our environment from such colonial dark-ages of ignorance.
The Commercial Kangaroo Management Plan is a smoke-screen for making profits from animals that produce "free" meat! It's not "management' but pure and bloody slaughter.
Your title needs to change to that of advocate of wildlife-family killers and baby-joey bludgeoners!
Ms Nicole Payne's email address is:
Katie G (not verified)
Tue, 2011-05-10 17:58
Kangaroos out of fashion
Wed, 2011-05-11 11:05
Australia's natural diversity is (only) worth celebrating
Anonymous (not verified)
Thu, 2011-05-12 00:32
fat-boy Packer too blind to see
Menkit Prince
Thu, 2011-05-12 22:41
Nice Article, Vivienne.
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