Dear lovers of Planet Earth, animals, nature, peace and justice
An Injunction is being served on Repco Rally Australia tomorrow Thursday 2.15pm forcing Peter Garrett to call in their ecological survey for review. Please contact the Minister ASAP before then asking him to call in the rally.
There are 12 nationally listed threatened (endangered and vulnerable) fauna in the area and 34 migratory birds that have not been adequately assessed. These are species of national environmental significance that need to be reviewed. Factors such as the stress induced by 'mitigation measures' (low-flying helicopters, compressed air sirens and hand horns) will contribute to death of species from nest/fledgling abandonment. Stress myopathy deaths of macropods were not addressed. Barriers by creeks containing endangered Giant Barred Frogs will not contain the substantial dust and sediment generated by more than 100 rally vehicles going over 200kph along 350k of dirt roads every day for 4 days.

the Green Cauldron
It is absolutely appalling that this rally has been forced on one of the most biodiverse areas in Australia in breeding season for the next 10-20 years, especially when 2/3rds of them are already endangered! Clearly the Minister for the Environment has a duty to protect our fauna. Australia has the worst reputation in the world for mammal extinctions having driven 38% of its mammals extinct since the early settlers arrived. This is just not good enough!
What you can do:Ask the minister to use his powers and protect the Green Cauldron (that he christened) to cancel this race ASAP.
Tel: (02) 6277 7640
Fax: (02) 6273 6101
Email: [email protected]
Maroubra office
[t] 02 9349 6007
[f] 02 9349 8089
Also send this alert to everyone you know, individuals, animal rights, environmental, wildlife carers groups you know. The above photo is a NASCAR test run that hit a coyote in U.S.A. recently.
Additionally, there are three other events occurring on the Fathers' Day weekend:
1. the Australian Tarmac Challenge ,
which is coming up the coast to join in with the WRC special events section.
a quote from their site
" The 2009 Australian Tarmac Challenge will be huge, and kicks off with the Victorian event in May. Entries are now open for all cars, regardless of age or specification, the only requirement is that your vehicle is registered and roadworthy (includes Rally plate cars).
"No experience is necessary, the only prerequisite is that you love your car and love driving! If you’re a first-timer, you might want to read our FAQ section HERE, or email ask and ask anything you like, regardless of how silly you think your enquiry might be."
2. Then there is the Frontier Services Classic Outback trial with another 50 rally cars to run with the WRC on the dirt
quote “With the RRA organizers running Speed on Tweed that same weekend, there will be such a massive motor sport presence in the Murwillumbah and Tweed area that it will be like a mini ‘Goodwood’ and will attract enthusiasts from all over Australia.”
Many wallabies will be in the path of the rally not to mention those who will die from stress myopathy in the weeks following.
3. And then will be the 182 entries for Speed on Tweed .
4. The WRC
Plus all of above's crews and support teams and fans. If you dont like cars then its just bad luck. If you don't being locked in your house unable to get out to go to work, take kids to school, go shopping, go to appointments etc. tough. How much did our dear councils know about that lot????
Learn more at - contact us for details at email [email protected], phone (0438) 357 452
#WhatUCanDo" id="WhatUCanDo">What you can do
Please attend protests against the rally
Peaceful protests against the World Rally. Each protest will be a silent vigil. Please remember to bring banners.
There are 5 protest vigils planned:
Sat, 29 Aug | 9:00 AM | Opening Ceremony -- Kingscliff. Bring banners! | |
Fri, 4 Sep | 9:00 AM | Protest Gathering -- Byangum Bridge. Bring banners! | |
Sat, 5 Sep | 3:00 PM | Protest Gathering -- Lynches Creek Phone Peter Lanyon on (02) 6689 7404 for details. |
Sun, 6 Sep | 2:30 PM | Protest Gathering -- Uki Main St Crossing | |
4:45 PM | Ceremony -- Kingscliff Phone Kim Hollingsworth on (02) 6679 5881 for details |
The Final Ceremony will have live TV coverage, so please make a special effort to bring banners for that protest.
The animals thank you ...
See also: Repco Rally route - the calm before the storm of 26 Aug 09, REPCO Rally injunction raced through court up blind alley of 31 Aug 09.
Evolver (not verified)
Tue, 2009-09-08 10:32
Claim that photo in Repco Rally story misleading
Sheila Newman
Tue, 2009-09-08 15:13
Source of photo
Trish (not verified)
Fri, 2013-06-07 03:49
Animals hurt or killed in auto races
Anonymous (not verified)
Tue, 2012-05-01 02:21
I stumbled across this
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