Why doesn't the government cut land costs? High costs of land, and the resources it carries - energy and water - are responsible for our failing economy. The greatest costs to small and medium-sized businesses are the rents they pay for their shops, warehouses, and factories. The greatest costs to workers are the rents they pay for personal accommodation. Small and medium-sized businesses pay both for their business premises and for their personal accommodation. Manufacturing in Australia is losing out to high rents and housing costs. Wages must go up to satisfy the malignant effect of land-speculation, which government continues to encourage against our common welfare. But, why don't they just cut the land-costs? Stop pushing up property prices by reducing immigration and you won't have to put wages up. Business will become competitive on the world market again, because most of its profits won't go on rent of premises. Let's get rid of the property developers. Let's outlaw land speculation. [Title changed from "Cut land-costs, not wages. Down with property developers, Up with workers!" on 9 Oct 2011.]
We hear that over 90% of small businesses quickly go broke. Some of you may assume that this is because they are all incompetent. That would mean that you have a low opinion of your fellow Australian and that you haven't considered the costs that operate in our society and are causing our factories to close.
The greatest costs to small and medium-sized businesses are the rents they pay for their shops, warehouses, and factories.
Do we ever hear the Liberal Party or the Labor Party say anything about this?
But land costs and rent costs erode profit margins and drive everyone except the major corporations out of business.
The major corporations (which include newspapers, banks and developers) invest in land and are responsible for high rents and mortgages. They constantly lobby against ordinary Australians for more immigrants to keep those costs high. They are in the business of putting the rest of us out of business.
Why is the government ignoring that land cost factors completely dwarf all the other factors causing Australian manufacturing and most other small business to founder?
The public service is bringing in contractors in order to keep wages down. Once they did not have the right to do this. Once they had to negotiate fairly.
We are losing our rights to decent wages and conditions at the same time that big business is forcing up rents and housing costs.
The mass media is full of nonsense about how the economy cannot afford for wage rises. The mass media has nothing to say about the huge iceberg our economy is running up against in rising land prices. It only talks about how a tiny minority of people who have invested in second properties are able to sell their houses for more money. It says nothing about how business fails and people become homeless due to these rising costs.
Now I hear of how state governments are talking about bringing in contractors to undercut cleaners' wages. Cleaners are arguably among the most poorly paid workers in Australian industry. They work very hard and have little status.
The same thing is happening to drivers, with local governments considering colluding to introduce strike-breakers in order to stop industrial action to negotiate small wage rises in another ill-paid industry.
Why is it always those who can least afford it who must bear the brunt of our ill-run economy, whilst the CEOs and head-kickers get huge wages for simply being mean and greedy?
Please send this cartoon to Julia and Wayne and your local politicians and ask them, "Why don't you just cut the land costs?"
Overloading Aus... (not verified)
Thu, 2011-10-06 10:24
Future generations will suffer from corporate-run governments
Geoff (not verified)
Mon, 2011-10-10 12:46
Henry George?
Sheila Newman
Tue, 2011-10-11 01:13
Georgism, wages, land costs and productivity
Katie G (not verified)
Fri, 2011-10-14 07:15
Economics, nature and government
Sun, 2014-08-24 17:24
News Corporation's losses need closer scrutiny
News Corporation's losses (The Age 21/8)#fnNewsCorp1" id="txtNewsCorp1">1 are a drop in the bucket when compared to the 882 million dollar windfall News Corporation received from the long suffering Australian taxpayer in 2013. Using a little bit of creative accounting, Mr Murdoch was able to legally engineer a tax refund in Australia while making hundreds of millions of dollars profit from his extensive global empire.
The extraordinary aspect of what can only be described as legalised theft, is that the Federal Treasurer, Joe Hockey, refused to comment on News Corporation's windfall, the Australian Tax Office didn't bother to appeal this extraordinary decision by a single Federal Court judge, Mr. Abbott the man who promised to give up his last breath (during the super profits mining tax debate) to ensure some of the richest corporations on the planet did not pay one extra cent in tax, was missing in action and Her Majesty's Loyal Opposition was nowhere to be seen. What occurred last year has left an indelible stain on Australia's political, judicial and business community. Poor fellow, my country (apologies toXavier Herbert).
Dr. Joseph Toscano / Convenor Resist Murdoch's Minions Legislative Onslaught
#fnNewsCorp1" id="fnNewsCorp1">1. #txtNewsCorp1">↑ Age story dated 21 August not found. Here's what seems to be the same story in the other Fairfax Daily newspaper, the Sydney Morning Herald: News Corp Australia chief Julian Clarke plays down poor results (21/8/14) - Ed
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