More High Rise Pollution and Population Overload for Hornsby ?? You`ve got to be joking--When will this end ??
Please All--make asubmission to this Shocking Proposal--see details below ----Email your objection to Hornsby councilors . See councillor e addresses below.
My Email to HK Greens.---Dear HK Greens. "I`m shocked that you give Hornsby Council---Lieberal Party dominated who are corrupted by developers` pressure----the Green Light for west side development. We Greens should be opposing any MORE devastating development in Hornsby. You should have stated up front in your submission that----The solution is to reduce Australia`s excessive immigration rate and to work towards a Steady State Economy NOT THE PERPETUAL INSANE GROWTH ECONOMY Local Councils all over Australia should be passing on this messsage loud and clear to Federal Govt. and MPs." Geoff Dowsett. HK Greens member.
"The Hornsby Kuring-Gai Greens (HKG) agrees that the renewal of west side of Hornsby is necessary to meet increased demand for housing, to provide retail and other business opportunities that will generate employment for local residents, and to provide lifestyle improvements for Hornsby residents.---- We argue that sensibly increasing urban density is preferable to expansion into rural land and bushland"
This isn`t the alternative---the alternative is to Cut Immigration down to where it used to be---about 20,000 pa not 200,000 pa---REDUCE EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES IN HORNSBY---NOT INCREASE THEM. ENCOURAGE POPULATION OUT of HORNSBY SHIRE NOT IN. Future generations will look back at us with utter disgust.
Here is a list of all 10 Councillors, with emails:
Cr Steve Russell, Mayor [email protected]
Cr Mick Gallagher [email protected]
Cr Nathan Tilbury, Deputy Mayor [email protected]
Cr Antony Anisse [email protected]
Cr Gurdeep Singh [email protected]
Cr Michael Hutchence [email protected]
Cr Jerome Cox [email protected]
Cr Bernadette Azizi [email protected]
Cr Nick Berman [email protected]
Cr Robert Browne [email protected]
The postal address for all councillors is:
Clr ___
c/- Hornsby Shire Council
PO Box 37,
Hornsby NSW 1630
As is usual, more notice is taken of written letters (posted or delivered to the Council reception desk), but email letters are very good too.
You can also keep writing letters to the papers.
Here are the emails for the Bush Tele and the Hornsby Advocate:
[email protected]
[email protected]
Here is a summary of the Hornsby West Side Proposal issue to date:
The proposal is to change the Development Control Plan for Hornsby west, to allow the Council to rezone the area to permit buildings of increased height, including one building of 26 storeys, and several of 16 to 22 storeys.
The proposal started with the Council, which submitted it for Gateway approval with the Planning Department. Seeking Gateway approval is the means for the Council to find out if the proposal is worthwhile to proceed with in the view of the Planning Department. If it meets the department's initial consent, it issues the Council with instructions on what regulations and state agencies must be complied with, and what people/ bodies to consult with.
The proposal then went back to the local Council.
At that stage, the Council consulted with various bodies, did public surveys and opened it for public exhibition, calling for submissions from the residents of Hornsby Shire. The next step was that the Council engaged consultants to package all the points made in the submission for the benefit of the elected councillors who make the final decision. That has been done and it is now ready to go to a General Meeting of elected councillors for determination.
So on 11/6, at the next General Meeting, the councillors will make their set of decisions on the HWSPP.
The most recent update is that yesterday evening, the Council published the Business Papers for the 11/6 meeting. The HWSPP is item number 18 (we will move it be brought forward, which can be done if there are enough public members on the floor to warrant it). Item 18 contains the recommendations made by the Planning Department to the councillors, to assist them in their decion making. One of these is for the exhibition of a new Draft Development Control Plan for Hornsby West. For more explanation, please see point 2 in the following section.
The concerns of the Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Greens fall into two broad, interelated areas.
The first relates specifically to the proposal for rezoning. The proposed rezonings are too high and the Planning Department of the Council recommendations to councillors is that they vote to maintain these HWSPP provisions for storey heights. The community survey undertaken by Council shows that a clear majority of people are opposed to the proposal for these extra high storeys. Of 660 respondents, over 400 favoured storey heights of 8 or less, while approximately 50 favoured 20 or more storeys (Consultation Report, Appendix G to Planning Proposal, pp 8, 14). Additionally, the proposal does not deal adequately with the increased traffic problems ensuing from the increased population in the area.
The second relates to the more general question of what this rezoning will mean for the quality of life for residents of Hornsby West and beyond. In its yesterday published recommendations to councillors, the Planning Department in the Council has taken seriously enough, the call for sustainability inclusions (as made by Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Greens and no doubt by other members of the community), to recommend to councillors that they exhibit a new Draft Development Control Plan, to consider sustainability proposals. These include recommendations that we made, such as roof gardens, green walls and community space within developments. These updated recommendations for the HWSPP are very good and we will commend the Council for its responsiveness to community concerns and its hard work in developing the new Draft Control Plan. However, a number of issues that we raise remain unaddressed, although with re-exhibition, there will be opportunity to push for these again. These relate to an expanded set of sustainability criteria, including social sustainability, for example, increased disability access in residential units; also adequate green and other pubic spaces between and around buildings. In the 21st century, we need the Council to be strategic with proposing major developments, and to mandate the sustainabilty inclusions that we see in developments around Australia and overseas (for details, see attachments).
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