[Update 20 March 2025 - It appears that there has been another uprising in Turkey, What will this mean for Israel and Syria?] The Axis of Genocide: Turkey, run by its two-faced President Erdogan, is part of the axis of genocide. Throughout Israel's now 17-month-old genocidal war against Gaza, whilst Erdogan was seen to speak loudly in support of the Palestininans in Gaza, [7] oil from Azerbaijan was, and continues to be, shipped to Israel through Turkish ports. It is unclear how many of those who are now protesting against Erdogan's despotic rule are aware of the full scale of Erdogan's betrayal of Palestine, despite his rhetoric.
Since the collapse of the Soviet Union in December 1991, United States imperialists and their European vassals have been attempting to colonise the former Soviet Union, as part of their effort to colonise the whole world, including China and Iran.
The Ukrainian Crisis and Its Aftermath: In 2004 they succeeded in imposing a pro-Western vassal state in Ukraine. By 2010 Ukrainians had again elected Victor Yanukovych, a leader committed to preserving Ukraine’s sovereignty. However, in late 2013, western imperialists found an opportunity to overthrow Victor and once more impose a pro-western puppet government over Ukraine. To achieve this, a whole parade of western leaders trooped through the streets of Kiev, together with rioters paid-for by western governments. These included the then US Secretary of State, John Kerry,[1] the then US Assistant Secretary of State, Victoria Nuland, Arizona Senator John McCain, and at least nine other US senators [2]. Whilst this extraordinary spectacle was unfolding before our very eyes, the government of Russia was instead focused on the Scocci Winter Olympics.
With the Russian state thus distracted, the rioters in Kiev succeeded in overthrowing the government of Ukraine and forced then president Victor Yanukovych to flee to Russia. Similarly to what has since occurred with former Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, Victor Yanukovych has apparently been made to vanish by the Russian government and its news media.
Following the coup, armed forces of the new regime conquered Russian-speaking areas of Ukraine and attempted to impose their rule over Russian-speakers, involving shooting and killing. By Feb 2022 (when Russia’s special military operation began and Russia entered into conflict with Ukraine) it was estimated that the coup regime under Ukrainian presidents Petro Poroshenko and Volodymyr Zelensky had killed 14,000.
Russia's Military Objectives and Peace Agreements: When the Special Military Occupation began, the stated goals were limited to preventing territory adjacent to the Russian Federation being used to station airbases, missile bases, and electronic infrastructure, to spy on Russia, and to re-establish peace in those regions for Russian speakers.
They did not plan to overthrow the Kiev regime.
Since then, on three occasions at least, Minsk 1, Minsk 2, and in Ankara Turkey, peace agreements have been signed between Russia and the Kiev Regime. Yet, on each occasion, the terms of those peace agreements were almost immediately violated by the Kiev Regime.
Former German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, and former French president, Francois Hollande, have since admitted that they had only signed the Minsk agreements as a stalling tactic, to give Ukraine more time to organise and arm for war against Russia.
Astonishingly this war has lasted for more than three years. The death toll and wounded toll could be well over one million for Ukraine. In addition, the order of over hundreds of thousands of Russians have also been killed. This is surely a catastrophe for both sides.
Time and time again, during this conflict, Russia has limited its military objectives. Once they almost entered Kiev, then retreated. After Russian forces retreated, pro-Russian Ukrainians were massacred at Bucha. This massacre was subsequently depicted by Ukraine and by the Western Media as a massacre committed by Russian forces.
The war has continued for two and a half more years since February 2022, and is still not finished.
Zelensky and Ukraine: In 2019, Volodymir Zelensky, the supposed peace candidate, defeated the nationalist oligarch Poroshenko. For a few days, Zelensky played the role of peacemaker, but very quickly resumed the policy of full-scale war against Russian-speaking Ukrainians.
During this war, the Ukraine regime has also on occasions launched missiles at Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Station.[3] This could well have caused a nuclear meltdown and have killed or poisoned hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians, Russians, and Europeans. That is surely, in and of itself, an open and shut reason for Russia to have immediately acted with all its strength to remove the Zelenskyy regime, a regime that is clearly prepared to kill its own people in order to resist the Russian military operation to further the former Biden US-regime’s neocon plans for Russia.
Multiple reports have surfaced about Ukraine harvesting the organs of both wounded Ukrainian and wounded Russians, often with fatal consequences, to sell to the lucrative international organ-transplant market, in which they were also implicated before the war. [4] They have also frequently drugged Ukrainian soldiers in order to overcome their rational fear of death in battle, resulting in many more deaths amongst Ukrainian and Russian forces.
Surely, these facts alone, if known by Ukrainians, would have caused them to long ago rise up and demand the removal of both Poroshenko and Zelenskyy. New presidential elections should have occurred in May 2024, but Zelenskyy refused to hold them, claiming he could not hold elections during war, even though, during WW2, both the US and the UK were able to hold democratic elections.
Clearly Zelenskyy is an illegitimate ruler.
Somehow, in spite of the vast media resources of Russia on RT, Sputnik News, and elsewhere, these pertinent facts are hard to find. If they were more widely understood in both Ukraine and in the countries of the west, populations of those countries would make their governments end any further military aid to Ukraine.
Broader Implications and the Syrian Crisis: So, the war, the elongated bloody war between Russia and Ukraine, is not just a consequence of the imperialist west trying to colonise Russia and other former components of the Soviet Union, but also of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s astonishing restraint in the face of this clear threat to Russia’s existence.
Elsewhere, imperialist forces and their Middle East asset, Israel, have also succeeded in undermining the sovereignty of those people. This includes the outright destruction of Syria, which has occurred since the conquest of Syria by Abu Mohammad al-Julani, leader of the HTS (previously known as al-Qaeda). This is in spite of the fact that for many years Syrian President Bashar al-Assad enjoyed the overwhelming support of the Syrian people.
Documenting this were two presidential elections, verified by international observers, in which Bashar al-Assad got the vote of 70% of all Syrian voters. In spite of Bashar al-Assad’s support and in spite of years of heroism by the Syrian armed forces, and their allies from Hezbollah, and military advisers from Iran, the US Caesar-sanctioned Syria.[5] The continued presence of anti-government terrorists in the province of Idlib, at the insistence of the Erdogan Regime, and the continuing flow of terrorists through Turkey into Syria, wore down resistance of the Syrian people.
When, at the behest of Erdogan, HTS launched its final attack against the Syrian government, Vladimir Putin subsequently said that the Russian intervention in Syria had succeeded in making the Syrian rebel opposition to Bashar al-Assad less extreme! The mass murder of Syrians by the HTS Regime that followed, has demonstrated how absolutely deluded this statement on the part of Vladimir Putin was.
In spite of the fact that, since the start of the terrorist war in 2011, the regime of Erdogan in Turkey, bordering Syria to the North, was a clear threat to the continued existence of the Syrian government, the Russian government refused to act, either diplomatically, politically, or militarily against the Erdogan regime.
The 2016 Coup Attempt and Its Consequences: In 2016, a group of Turkish officers attempted to overthrow the Erdogan regime, however, the Erdogan regime was warned by Russian intelligence and the coup-plotters were arrested. We have never since been able to ascertain one way or the other what motivated those Turkish officers.
Russia claims they were pro-Western puppets.
It seems more likely to me that they were decent Turkish citizens who were appalled at Erdogan’s facilitation of the terrorist war against neighbouring Syria. Fethullah Gülen, whose ideas were thought to motivate the coup, was known to disapprove of Turkey’s war against Syria.[6]
Since then, the loss of Syria through which resistance forces in neighbouring Lebanon and in Gaza were supplied, has had a devastating effect. Whilst it seemed that Israel was losing wars on both fronts prior to the overthrow of Bashar al-Assad, matters have since got a lot worse for those resistance forces. Some are speculating that the Israeli regime may well succeed in completing is genocide of Gaza and in driving the remaining Palestinians there into the Sinai Desert.
It is also possible that Lebanon could be conquered by Israel.
Right now, forces of the HTS Regime are attempting to invade Lebanon. Should Israel join in, this could well be the end of Lebanon also.
The Zionist dream of Israel extending from the Nile to the Euphrates could well become a reality.
[1] On John Kerry: Sam Frizall, “Kerry: We Stand With Ukraine’s People,” 1 February 2014. https://time.com/3602/ukraine-john-kerry-opposition-protests/
Victoria Nuland was a former member of the US Foreign Service, and Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs from 2013 to 2017 and the 18th U.S. ambassador to NATO from 2005 to 2008. See also, documenting Nuland’s intentions of regime-change, “Ukraine crisis: Transcript of leaked Nuland-Pyatt call,” BBC, 7 Feb 2014, https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-26079957)
[2]Senator Dick Durbin, Illinois, Senator Chris Murphy, Connecticut; Senator Ron Johnson, Wisconsin; Senator John Barrasso, Wyoming; Senator Sheldon Whitehouse, Rhode Island; Senator John Hoeven, North Dakota; Senator Jeff Flake, Arizona. https://japan.mfa.gov.ua/en/news/731-vistupi-senatoriv-makkejna-i-durbina-na-pres-konferenciji-delegaciji-kongresu-ssha-u-kijevi
[3] [The following references are taken from Sheila Newman’s Submission to the Australian Senate Inquiry into Australian Support for Ukraine (27 March to 4 August 2024) , https://www.candobetter.net/sheila-newman/blog/6856/australian-senate-inquiry-australian-support-ukraine-submission: The World Nuclear Association unambiguously attributed strikes on the Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant on 22 July, to Ukraine, reporting, "22 July: Ukrainian military launched drone strikes on Russian forces stationed at the Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant." Country profiles: Ukraine: Russia-Ukraine War and Nuclear Energy. Updated Monday, 15 April 2024. https://world-nuclear.org/information-library/country-profiles/countries-t-z/ukraine-russia-war-and-nuclear-energy
The Ukraine Government during this war has put itself and the rest of the world in danger by repeatedly drone-bombing the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, the largest in Europe, whilst it is held by the Russians. Although Ukraine has accused Russia of carrying out the bombing, this is a ridiculous assertion, since Russia would be bombing its own military and endangering the territories it has taken over, as well as the surrounding regions, and it has vastly superior conventional military capabilities to Ukraine. "IAEA head Rafael Grossi said Sunday's drone strike was "reckless" and "a major escalation of the nuclear safety and security dangers" facing the plant." Ian Aikman, "Ukraine war: UN body urges restraint after Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant hit, BBC News, 8 April 2024. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-68757082
Ukraine's recklessness in [repeatedly] attempting to weaponise a nuclear powerplant should cause Australia to cancel its agreement cooperating with Urkraine to supply nuclear materials for Ukraine's nuclear power plants (which to my count it retains 13 of 15), on the understanding that this material will not be used for non-peaceful purposes. See “Nuclear Cooperation – Ukraine Agreement between the Government of Australia and the Government of Ukraine on Cooperation in the Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy.” (2016) https://www.aph.gov.au/ ParliamentaryBusiness/Committees/Joint/Treaties/NuclearCoop-Ukraine/Report_167/section?id=committees%2Freportjnt%2F024024%2F24121
[4] Compassion, Not Commerce: An Inquiry into Human Organ Trafficking and Organ Transplant Tourism. Human Rights Sub-Committee, House of Representatives Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade. Canberra, November 2018, p.18
“Human trafficking in times of conflict: the case of Ukraine,” IOM Migration, UN Global News, 13 November 2023 https://rovienna.iom.int/news/human-trafficking-times-conflict-case-ukraine.
“In Kyiv region, more than 50 people have been trafficked (VIDEO),” 01/11/2023. https://mykyivregion.com.ua/news/na-kiyivshhini-ponad-50-osib-stali-zertvami-torgivli-lyudmi-video
“The Verkhovna Rada (Ukrainian parliament) passed legislation on Thursday prohibiting organ harvesting from military and civilian casualties of Russia’s invasion. The measure, Law No.9558 “On Amendments to Certain Laws of Ukraine on Improving the Organization of Medical Care Using Transplantation,” received broad support, with 254 of 313 lawmakers voting in favor.” Daniela Pulido, “Ukraine parliament bans organ harvesting from war casualties for transplantation,” Jurist News, January 10, 2025. https://www.jurist.org/news/2025/01/ukraine-parliament-bans-organ-donation-from-war-casualties/
[5] The so-called Caesar Syria Civilian Protection Act of 2019, also known as the Caesar Act, is United States legislation that sanctions the former Syrian government, including the former Syrian president Bashar al-Assad, for war crimes against the Syrian population.
[6] Fethullah Gülen was reportedly strongly against Turkish involvement in the Syrian civil war. While rejecting the Turkish government's desire to topple the Syrian government of President Bashar al-Assad, Gülen supported military intervention against ISIL. See, for instance: "Turkey and Syria: An explosive border". The Economist. 18 May 2013. Retrieved 24 August 2014; "Gülen warns against Turkey's unilateral war"; Today's Zaman. 7 October 2014. Archived from the original on 21 December 2014. Retrieved 21 December 2014; Halil Karaveli (12 November 2012). "Erdogan Pays for His Foreign Policy", The National Interest. Retrieved 21 December 2014. See more references to follow up under this Wikipedia article on Fethullah Gülen: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fethullah_G%C3%BClen. (Just use this to jump off your research; don't take Wikipedia as gospel of course.)
[7] Footnote added 23 March 2023: An example of Erdogan appearing to support Palestine, whilst continuing to allow oil from Azerbaijan to be shipped to Israel through Turkey, is Turkey’s Erdogan lashes out at Israel on a visit to Pakistan and laments the tragedy of Gaza (14/2/24) Associated Press by Munir Ahmen and Suzan Fraser.
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