According to journalist Yanatab Zunger, Donald Trump currently appears to be targeting the CIA and its other Deep State cronies for extinction -- while at the same time hiring his own security team to protect himself. Ah, if only President Kennedy had engineered this kind of power-grab/self-protection combination when he was first elected, he would still be alive today and we would live in a whole different (and far better) world. @yonatanzunger/trial-balloon-for-a-coup-e024990891d5#.dg9vu3e70" id="yiv3591735947yui_3_16_0_ym19_1_1485968960948_28304" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">
Make no mistake, Trump is no friend of democracy like JFK obviously was, and I am totally appalled by many of Trump's policies and buddies. With regard to Trump's plans to cut MediCare, Social Security and various government food and housing programs, these cuts basically amount to the financial genocide of America's elderly -- the very same white male demographic that The Donald has sworn to protect. And the buddies he has chosen to guide him appear to be totally committed to ecological genocide of the entire human race as well.
However. Trump, like Kennedy before him, also seems to be calling out the Deep State's right to rule America (and the world) with an iron hand. Good luck with that one, President Trump. Let's just hope you don't go the way of others who have also tried this in the past. Patrice Lumumba, Martin Luther King and Bobby Kennedy immediately come to mind.
The so-called Deep State, AKA the military-industrial complex and/or Wall Street and War Street, is a political dinosaur whose time has come -- and gone. These days, "People everywhere just want to be free," to paraphrase an old-school New Jersey rock band. But this particular Deep State dinosaur seems at first glance to be the T-Rex of them all,
impossible to defeat even though its extinction has already been written in the sand.
So who better to take out a mean dinosaur than another mean dinosaur? Enter the Trump political machine. Battle to the death here folks. But no matter if Trump loses and ends up in the tar pits of Vegas or if the Deep State loses and ends up buried in the swamps of Washington DC, hopefully democracy will be the ultimate winner.
The reptilian part of the human brain still seems to be the boss of most human mental operations these days. Even after almost a million disastrous years of this kind of thinking, since even before caveman times, many of us still function mainly from the depths of our reptile cortex -- and still believe that full-spectrum dominance will solve any problem. But as St. Valentine constantly reminds us, love is a much sharper tool.
But Trump and the Deep State aren't the only ones who still think like dinosaurs. There is also the Pentagon, ISIS, the Israeli/Saudi alliance, the para-military police up at Standing Rock, serial killers, child abusers, Klan members, banksters, gang-bangers and other hooligans of all types. The list goes on and on. However, like the T-Rex and the
brontosaurus before them, these outdated reptiles are also doomed to extinction.
But, sadly, if these gross dinosaurs with expired sell-by dates who now run our show don't "get their minds right" immediately, the rest of us evolving types who try very hard to live
in the image of MLK, JFK, Gandhi and even Buddha and Jesus -- we also are gonna be doomed, right along with the reptiles of Wall Street and War Street.
Geoffrey Taylor
Wed, 2017-02-08 01:46
Donald Trump stood up against corrupt globalists
Jane Stillwater wrote:
Your article has completely ignored Donald Trump's titanic struggle, since early 2014, against nearly all the corporate newsmedia (and much of the supposed 'alternate' newsmedia including RT, PressTV and Global Research), the Republican Party establishment, the Democratic Party and massive electoral fraud.
You concede that "Trump, like Kennedy before him, also seems to be calling out the Deep State's right to rule America (and the world) with an iron hand", but then go on to say that Trump is no better than the Deep State and all those mentioned before who opposed his Presidential campaign.
Given Hillary Clinton's many corrupt business dealings, her stated intention to start a war with Iran and that she had already helped cause the deaths of many hundreds of thousands of people in the former Yugoslavia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Ukraine and Syria, the outbreak of World War 3 would have been inevitable had Donald Trump not won the election.
Whilst I also have concerns about Donald Trump, for example his unreasonable apparent hosility towards Iran, he has agreed to cooperate with Russia in Syria. This could well see the end of that terrible conflict which has lasted almost six years.
He has scrapped the appalling Trans-Pacific Partnership and acted to re-establish American sovereignty by enforcing laws against illegal immigration and protecting its industries against unfair foreign competition.
His victory has given encouragement to other anti-globalists around the world, including France's Marine Le Pen, who now stands a good chance of becoming France's next President.
If Donald Trump had done nothing other than prevent Clinton from becoming President, humanity owes to him an enormous debt of gratitude.
ZPG (not verified)
Wed, 2017-02-08 13:31
Tax-free Muslim-ban-outrage
Sheila Newman
Wed, 2017-02-08 13:34
Not a muslim ban
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