GetUp is seeking donations to fund its unscientific campaign to magically transform one of the world's most rapidly expanding and extreme carbon based economies by adopting Renewable Energy Targets and other forms of financial incentives to encourage use of alternative energy while fully supporting the extreme population growth that is the driving force behind the rapid expansion of Australia's carbon emissions.
“GetUp sees population stabilisation as being somewhat conflicting with GetUp’s desire to see increased refugee intakes in Australia, and therefore its messaging may become blurred.”
GetUp therefore thinks it is OK to misrepresent the facts about emissions growth in Australia. GetUp seems intent on a Monty Pythonesque "Ridding the world of all known diseases" strategy in dealing with climate change.
GetUp knows Australia has roughly the highest emissions per capita of any country and also knows Australia has had a population growth rate of roughly 4 times the OECD country average. GetUp also knows the rate of population growth in places like Melbourne and Queensland has been around 2.5% per annum in recent years. GetUp wants to save the Barrier Reef but also wants Queensland population and coal exports to double every 20-30 years? Government profit seeking drives extreme coal exports. That is arguably driven, in part, by the immediate negative financial impacts of extreme population growth.
GetUp knows that Australia's population growth is only exceeded by some of the most underdeveloped regions of Africa; which are subject to chaotically extreme birth rates.
GetUp is seeking donations to fund its unscientific campaign to magically transform one of the world's most rapidly expanding and extreme carbon based economies by adopting Renewable Energy Targets and other forms of financial incentives to encourage use of alternative energy, while fully supporting the extreme population growth that is the driving force behind the rapid expansion of Australia's carbon emissions.
GetUp understands that without addressing population growth stabilising emissions in the short to medium term in Australia and globally will be virtually impossible.
GetUp is seeking to collect money for its "population disabled" climate action campaign despite being fully aware of the facts, by deliberately omitting reference to the primary driving force behind Australian emissions growth. This is arguably fraud. Is there any justifiable excuse for seeking these donations under false, albeit ideologically driven, pretences?
You can't effectively address the emissions issue without addressing one of the primary causes of emissions growth.
Because there is also overwhelming evidence that extreme population growth in Australia is damaging the economy (ref. Joe Hockey's recent reduction of $7.5 billion from foreign aid), is GetUp directly supporting crimes against humanity in the developing world?
It seems to me that all the evidence supports the conclusion that GetUp is guilty of seeking money under false pretences and crimes against humanity and the environment.
Vivienne Ortega
Mon, 2014-09-01 16:49
Greenhouse gas emissions related to population growth
Ecoengine (not verified)
Tue, 2014-09-02 09:30
Get-up and Environment Victoria being intellectually dishonest
DennisK (not verified)
Tue, 2014-09-02 09:45
GetUp comes from a standing tradition of ineffective activism
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