Original story from www.risingtide.org.au/coaltrainblockade
Grassroots climate change action group Rising Tide has blockaded a coal train on its way into the world’s biggest coal export port, at Kooragang Island in Newcastle Harbour. No trains are able to enter Kooragang Coal Terminal because of the blockade.

The blockade comes just two days after the United Nations' Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released a report warning that the effects of climate change will be worse than previously anticipated, and five days before the Federal Election.
Spokesperson for Rising Tide, Georgina Woods, said, “Our Governments have failed us: both major parties are terminally addicted to coal. The situation is dreadful and we have been forced to take this action because the leadership of this country is morally bankrupt.”
The IPCC reports that two degree Celsius warming of the globe will put about one third of species at risk of extinction. Billions of people are predicted to be at risk of water scarcity.
“There is no longer any room for vacillation: we must act, and that is what we are doing today.”
“When faced with an overwhelming problem and a Government unwilling or unable to take action to solve the problem, it is the duty of all citizens to take action on the community’s behalf.
“There is no way Australia can continue passing the buck on climate change. We are the biggest per capita emitter of greenhouse gases and the biggest coal exporter in the world.
“Hundreds of community members have pledged to take direct-action to prevent the expansion of the coal industry.
“We are taking action today on behalf of our children, and for all those species that will be pushed to the extinction by climate change. It is unconscionable for the Government and the coal industry to continue profiting from accelerating greenhouse gas emissions in this way.”
Contact: (02) 4926 1641
Make a donation to Rising Tide
Further stories
Coal terminal blockage ended - SMH, 19 Nov 07
Australian coal train blocked from port - IndyMedia Germany, 19 Nov 07
Greenies blockade Newcastle coal train
Protester chained to railway line- Sun Herald, 19 Nov 07
Protestors block coal ships in Newcastle The Age, 19 Nov 07
Comment added by CoalPortal on 17 Nov 2011 and reposted here.
Anonymous (not verified)
Tue, 2008-09-09 10:03
Climate change begins at home
Yuki Otoko
Tue, 2008-09-09 20:09
Not with seawater up to my knees!