Speak up today or our parks will pay … only days to go!
Below this list of "What you can do", there is more information...
Take action!

1. Attend a public meeting
WHEN: Thursday 26th February, 6.30-8.30pm
WHERE: Footbridge Theatre, Parramatta Rd, Sydney University
2. Get the message out! email your friends and colleagues who are passionate about national parks;
3. Volunteer! Help get involved in the campaign, contact notforsale[at]npansw.org.au or phone NPA on 02 9299 000;
4. Lobby! email Environment Minister, Carmel Tebbutt dp.office[at]tebbutt.minister.nsw.gov.au or the Premier, Nathan Rees thepremier[at]www.nsw.gov.au and say you don’t want national park laws weakened to permit private developments;
5. Lobby some more! Call, write or email you local member and let him know your concerns (CALL NPA to find your local member);
6. Become informed! For more information visit the National Parks Association’s website at
7. Write a letter to the editor of your local papers and protest that you were not asked about these changes.
What's this National Park Development Agenda about?
NSW Government will attempt to introduce weaker national park protection laws to permit the development of damaging private accommodation, such as cabins, lodges and ‘eco-resorts’ in our national parks. And we need to stop these laws.
The NSW Government has not even asked the community if they want national parks developed!
Environment groups want a stronger nature tourism industry in NSW and more people enjoying our parks. This can and must be achieved without the development of national park.
Unless we act now increased development in national parks will be allowed by law in March.
The changes are not needed
National Park visitor growth will easily exceed the State Plan Target, outperforming all other sectors of the tourist industry. Domestic overnight visitors visiting national parks will increase by 100 per cent by 2016, and the State Plan target is for 20 per cent growth. So why push private development into national parks?
[Editor's comment: Probably because the land can be given free or near free to developers who, having crippled our economy with their land speculation, now expect us to lose everything on their behalf. The developers have no right to public land and it is not the government's to give away.]
It is inappropriate to remove protection from national parks and to offer sites within them to the tourism industry, in an ‘investor-ready’ condition - these public lands are set aside for nature. And our wilderness areas have been protected from commercial use for over twenty years and there is no need to exploit these wild places for commercial gain.
What to say to the local paper, NSW Government or back bench member:
1. Don’t weaken the National Parks and Wildlife Act, 1974 to permit private developments in national parks, especially as many more visitors are enjoying national parks just as they are, as set places for nature aside from development;
2. Wilderness areas should not be commercialised;
3. Fast tracking accommodation and other private facilities in national parks without asking the public what they think of these proposed changes to national park laws is a giant leap in the wrong direction;
4. The priority given to nature conservation and protection of wilderness by national park laws is appropriate;
5. New low key facilities are needed for the increased numbers of visitors coming to national parks;
6. Local communities will benefit park visitation most when accommodation is provided in the towns near national parks.
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