Source of this alert: Fair Water Use Australia
"When the well's dry, we know the worth of water"
The above quote is one of many credited to noted 18th century polymath Benjamin Franklin. However it is also the tag line of a US-based, investment advisory group, Summit Global Management.
Should this be of the slightest interest to Australians? - Most definitely: This organisation has just purchased over 20 million dollars worth of high-security water from the Murray-Darling Basin. Fair Water Use has been informed by a reliable source that Summit plans to further increase it’s stake in the nation’s water over coming months.
Rest assured that a horde of similar investment groups are licking their lips in anticipation of the vast sums to be reaped from the pockets of everyday Australians as a direct result of the de-facto water privatisation policies espoused by Australian governments, Federal and State. Policies which have not been mandated by any Australian electorate and which will attract an ever-increasing cadre of corporate raiders to invest in (read "control") Australia's dwindling water supplies.
Summit Global is on record as stating: "As the most essential life-sustaining substance and the most critical input to economies around the globe, water is the only commodity that has absolutely no substitute at any price. This fundamental fact creates an intractable demand for water and has historically made global hydrocommerce a stable, non-cyclical, low-risk investment".
As Maude Barlow, senior advisor on water to the President of the United Nations General Assembly, warned this week at the 2009 Australian Water Summit: “Let’s not mince words: this is the privatization of the Murray-Darling river where private owners and brokers, who oversee annual transactions of $1.68 billion, have more say over these depleted water supplies than governments.”
Wake-up Australia: or wet-dreams will be the only liquid asset you still control.
Source:MEDIA RELEASE from Fair Water Use Australia 3rd April 2009
Editor's comment:
Do you still think your government is working for you? Do you still think the mainstream press will keep you informed?
Think hard and consider that the belief that Australia is a first world country that just happens to have a commodity based economy may be our population's archilles heel. At least Bolivians knew they had to take action to protect their water. To believe that our governments will protect our interests is to sell your fellow Australian short.
VY (not verified)
Tue, 2009-04-07 08:36
Sack the Victorian Director of Water
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