The Major Transport Projects Facilitation legislation
The Major Transport Projects Facilitation legislation introduces far reaching changes to environmental and planning laws for projects that are declared by the Premier as major transport projects.
New laws with no public consultation
The legislation, introduced with no public consultation, replaces existing environmental approvals with a new approval process intended to fast track new freeways, ports, rail lines.
This seminar will address important questions including:
• How does the legislation restrict public involvement in decision making about transport projects?
• What impact does the legislation have on existing environmental approvals?
• What sort of projects will be caught by the legislation?
To learn more about this major legal development, come to the EDO’s seminar to hear Brian Walters SC and others discuss the impact of the legislation on the community, the environment and good governance.
• Mr Brian Walters barrister and passionate advocate for the environment and civil rights.
Brian is also the President of Protectors of Public Lands Inc.
• Representative of Dept (to be confirmed)
Transport (to be confirmed
• Ms Nicola Rivers Law Reform and Policy Director at Environment Defenders Office
Tuesday 29 September 2009
5.45pm for 6pm start
RSVP: EDO (03) 8341 3100
or [email protected]
60L Green Building
Ground floor, Meeting Room 2
60 Leicester Street, Carlton
7.30pm expected finish
There is no charge for the seminar however donations to support our work are greatly appreciated
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