Picture by Sheila Newman
"Save our Bush" Rally
Wednesday 24 February from 12-2pm
on Parliament House steps
The Rally aims to draw public attention to the destruction of our native bushland by the State Government's "growth-at-any-cost" policy of building freeways -- instead of promoting alternative modes of transport.
The Rally will coincide with a motion to the Legislative Council by the Greens MP, Sue Pennicuik, opposing construction of the Peninsula Link -- which would destroy much of The Pines Flora & Fauna Reserve (220 hectares) near Frankston.
Other important areas of native bushland and wetlands due to be bulldozed for roads in Greater Melbourne and beyond include:
* Browns Mountain (S-W Victoria)
* Coomoora Woodland Flora & Fauna Reserve (Keysborough)
* Belvedere, Witternberg & Pobblebonk Reserves (Mornington Peninsula)
* Devilbend Reserve (Mornington Peninsula)
* Westerfield Heritage Reserve (Mornington Peninsula)
* Bushland in the Cities of Banyule and Kingston
Rod Quantock is M.C. and the rally will include speakers and entertainment .
Join the Rally to Save our Bush and bring as many others as possible! Please also circulate the attached poster!
Save Our Bushland Contacts for further information:
Gillian Collins – Friends of Pines Flora and Fauna Reserve (impacts of Peninsula Link on the Pines): Mob: 0414 309 960; Email: [email protected]
Damon Anderson – Save Coomoora Reserve Coalition (impacts of the Dingley Bypass on Coomoora): Mob: 0425 784 983; Email: [email protected]
Marion Ware – Friends of Banyule (impacts of North East Link through Banyule Flats and Warringal Swamplands): Mob: 0413 41 88 32; Email: [email protected]
Rosemary West – Joint Coordinator of Green Wedges Coalition (urban growth and the impact on Green Wedges): Mob: 0418 554 799; email: [email protected]
Colin Long – Greens Candidate for South-East Metro Upper House (cultural heritage value of Westerfields) : Email: [email protected]
Vivienne (not verified)
Tue, 2010-02-23 18:58
Vote to Stop Urban Sprawl in Victoria
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