Maryland Wilson, President of the Australian Wildlife Protection Council, announced today (June 30, 2015) that Queensland LNP Senator Barry O’Sullivan will have a singular focus when he spearheads an Australian government trade delegation to China to try to seal the deal on kangaroo meat exports. #kangaroo #exploitation. The Trans Pacific Partnership agreements, if they go through, would worsen the already terrible situation of many Australian native animals and could provoke species extinctions.
Calling to friends of wildlife, and drawing attention to the plight of kangaroos as particularly urgent, President Wilson said:
"This is a huge issue now.
We could lose our independence as a nation with global trade agreements
Kangaroos will be global 'asset', not just our native wildlife, protected as they are,
With more than 1.3 billion people in China, with an appetite for kangaroo meat, it's unsustainable. Nobody really knows how many kangaroos in Australia, and numbers have plummeted in NSW. They are hated because they cause "grazing pressure" (they eat grass!) and the government wants every blade for livestock - despite the drought over Queensland."
Donate to the AWPC to help Maryland's entirely volunteer non-profit organisation continue its great service to Australian wildlife. AWPC is a tiny organisation that punches above its weight, made up largely of hands-on activists. Download the AWPC Donation form.
Protect our sov... (not verified)
Wed, 2015-07-01 10:52
China is not a fit global leader
Sheila Newman
Wed, 2015-07-01 16:21
United States not fit either - maybe multi-state world is better
The united states has a very poor reputation for treatment and protection of farm animals. Like Australia it only accords animals chattle status, whereas in Europe there have been gains in treating animals as sentient creatures.
And the United States has more people in prison than any other state, most of them non-whites from significant poverty whom the system provides with totally inadequate public defenses, even for very serious crimes.
America also has the death penalty in a number of states, although only a few still exercise it.
American prisoners volunteer to have drugs tested on them as a way of earning money in a manner that flies in the face of human rights. In privatised prisons they are treated as slave labour - although this was also the practice in government prisons and dates back a long time, perhaps first exposed by Nancy Mitford in The American Prison System.
Evidence of very poor capacity for just trials grows daily in the increasing count of people on death row whom DNA techniques has shown to be innocent of the crimes they were charged with and sentenced to death for.
And many people think that the United States is the biggest global bully of the lot, with its unaccountable and lethal use of drones, its outsourcing of wars which people can invest in on the stockmarket, and its ideology of war as peacemaking. It has more military bases around the world than any other country and it just so happens that the countries where it has those bases do what it says. For an informed comment on the United State's dominance of supporting countries, see, "Vladimir Putin on France and Europe: "NATO Member States have renounced their sovereignty"
Not saying that China is a great place for justice and democracy, and certainly not for generalised kindness to animals, but seems that the United States is only a democracy in name. Recently the Princeton University analysed the situation and declared it an oligarchy. See Martin Gilens and Benjamin I. Page, "Testing Theories of American Politics: Elites, Interest Groups, and Average Citizens" (2014) which you can download here:
Stop the TPP (not verified)
Fri, 2015-07-03 12:36
Sign the petition to Stop the trade of kangaroo meat to China
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