2pm, Saturday 27 February 2016, Flemington Community Centre, Victoria, Australia. Guest Speaker: The Hon Kelvin Thomson MP, Federal Member for Wills, will speak on : "Victoria, once the Gardens State, is now headed for population overload. How we are failing the next generation." We would like to use the occasion to thank Kelvin for his work over many years as a leading spokesperson for sustainable population and as an environmental advocate, including his support for many groups, including PPL VIC and those in his electorate of Wills. As you are probably aware he will be retiring from Parliament at the next election.
Time: 2 pm for 2:15 pm start
Date: Saturday 27 February 2016
Venue: Flemington Community Centre, Mt Alexander Road, Flemington. See Melways Map Reference 29 B12 (The Centre is on Debneys Park.)
Carpark - in front of Centre (turn in off Mt Alexander Road.) If full parking is usually available in Victoria Street round the corner off Mt Alexander Road. Tram - down Flemington Road to Mt Alexander Road. Train - nearby Flemington Bridge Railway Station. Cyclists - the Capital City Trail is nearby for cyclists.
Guest Speaker: The Hon Kelvin Thomson MP, Federal Member for Wills, will speak on : "Victoria, once the Gardens State, is now headed for population overload. How we are failing the next generation." We would like to use the occasion to thank Kelvin for his work over many years as a leading spokesperson for sustainable population and as an environmental advocate, including his support for many groups, including PPL VIC and those in his electorate of Wills. As you are probably aware he will be retiring from Parliament at the next election.
Afternoon tea: Stay for a cup of tea after the meeting. We plan to finish by 5 pm.
Contact: Julianne Bell Secretary Protectors of Public Lands Victoria Inc. Mobile: 0408022408 Email; jbell5[AT]bigpond.com
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