Following the WA Government’s reckless decision to approve South32’s bauxite mine expansion last year, Federal Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek has chosen to greenlight South32’s massive bauxite expansion in the Northern Jarrah Forest, near Boddington. Join us from 8.30am to 9:30 on Wednesday 19 Feb to protest this dangerous extension outside South32’s Perth/Boorloo headquarters, on William Street. We’ll be meeting outside Wesley Uniting church before heading over to South32’s office. Bring a sign and a friend! (West Australian Forest Alliance.)
WHEN: 8.30am, Wednesday 19 February 2025
WHERE: South32 HQ, William St, Perth (Meeting outside Wesley Uniting Church)
RSVP here!
The approval of South32’s expansion means the destruction of over 4,000 hectares of critical habitat for endangered flora and fauna such as woylies, ringtail possums, black cockatoos and the rare Quindanning spider orchid- including 24 vital black cockatoo nesting trees.
Both our State and Federal Governments have shown complete disregard for our environment, from shelving the proposed Nature Positive laws following strong pressure from the WA government, and now greenlighting destruction in the Northern Jarrah Forests. This decision is not surprising, but it is disappointing and devastating. We cannot let this happen, and we must fight back harder than ever to protect our forests.
If you can’t make it tomorrow, you can still have your voice heard! Call Minister Plibersek’s office using the talking points listed in this guide! You can volunteer with the WA Forest Alliance to help spread the word about the destruction occurring in Western Australia’s native forests - now more than ever, it's time to stand up for our environment!
Join us to make some noise as we bring the action to South32 to show them we won't stand for their destruction of forests and climate!
See you on Wednesday,
Emma Heyink, Western Australian Forest Alliance Community and Events Organiser
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