Linsay Tanner should go and live in Bangladesh if prefers the lifestyle there
If Mr Tanner likes the lifestyles so much, why doesn't he go to Pakistan and stay there?
No one is stopping him.
Just don't try to impose that suffering on us for your ideology, Mr T.
Goodbye, Mr Tanner, good riddance!
With 'leaders' like that, who needs enemies?
It is true that Bangladesh's population is much denser than Australia's, but if Mr Tanner thinks that Bangladeshi soils and rainfalls are comparable to Australia's then he is really dense.
The reason that Bangladesh is so populous is that it is extremely fertile land, with plenty of water. The reason it is overpopulated is because its old steady state population system of clans was destroyed by war and colonisation. That's what Mr Tanner wants to do to Australia.
He has no right.
Australians have the right to self government, like the Bangladeshis, not dictatorship by ignoramuses like Mr Tanner and the fools that run Bangladesh.
Go to Bangladesh and enjoy the scenery, Mr Tanner! Leave us to repair our land.
Source of quote, "Population fear is nonsense: Tanner", by Ari Sharp, November 13, 2009
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