55 Lab monkeys rescued and released to wildlife protection facility
Click on picture to see film. "Knowing these young monkeys would have faced decades of painful experimentation, it was a particularly emotional moment this morning as we loaded them onto the transport truck in preparation for their journey. It was truly a relief to look each one of these incredible creatures in the eyes and make good on my promise: finally taking them into our arms of compassion."
Click on picture to see film.
On 15 July 2010 rescuers from the US based In Defense of Animals organisation took 55 macaque monkeys and 118 beagles from a toxicology laboratory in New Jersey where they had recently became "seized assets" when the lab went out of business. The beagles were rescued and the film above shows the removal of the abandoned monkeys to the relative freedom and massively increased, grassy quarters at the animal rescue grounds.
In US laboratories these animals can apparently be confined for their entire lives in tiny cages. I do not know if the law prescribes any exercise, but it does not appear that they ever leave the lab-rooms and that, when they leave their cages, it is for incredibly cruel experiments. Thus the existence of these monkeys would have been a terrifying hell for their whole lives until IDOA was able to rescue them.
The organisation needs money to cover the rescue and asks for donations.
The film shows their 1,700-mile journey to a "new life away from this unfathomable existence in grim cells, with its day-to-day burden of unspeakable cruelty and isolation, to four safe havens in Oklahoma and Texas filled with fresh air, friends, and freedom from harm."
Source of article, a press release from Scotlund Haisley,
President, In Defense of Animals
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