World Government fraud suspected in $15 Trillion transfer - British House of Lords Inquiry
In this video on February 16, 2012, Lord James of Blackheath, member of Britain’s House of Lords presents what he sees as evidence of an illegal scheme begun in 2009. His documents include originals signed by Alan Greenspan and Timothy Geithner. They show the illegal “off the books” transfer by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York of $15 trillion to, initially, HSBC (Hong Kong Shanghai Banking Corporation) London and then to the Bank of Scotland. Lord James claims this has been censored or ignored by the mainstream press. There is little in the alternative media either. The same Lord James attracted headlines about a mysterious Foundation X in 2010.
On February 16, 2012, Lord James of Blackheath, member of Britain’s House of Lords presents what he sees as evidence of an illegal scheme which began in 2009. His documents include originals signed by Alan Greenspan and Timothy Geithner. They show the illegal “off the books” transfer by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York of $15 trillion to, initially, HSBC (Hong Kong Shanghai Banking Corporation) London and then to the Bank of Scotland. Lord James claims that he has been censored or ignored by the mainstream press. There is little in the alternative media either. The same Lord James attracted headlines about a mysterious Foundation X in 2010.
Click on the larger picture to see video of lord's speech in British parliament. Video originally promoted by US Veterans Today military and foreign affairs journal.
In 2010 the same Lord announced that he had been contacted by a mysterious "Foundation X" which offered to bail out the British Government. Wikipedia:"On Saturday November 6, 2010; the UK Treasury issued a statement which contradicted James' earlier claims; denying that any meeting took place between Lords James & Sassoon and a representative of the group which had being referred to as 'Foundation-X'." So what's up? We publish this article out of curiosity to see if we get any more information. Please write in and comment.
Official inquiry sought by Lord in British Upper House
On February 16, 2012, industrialist Lord James of Blackheath, in the House of Lords sought support for an official inquiry into financial mischief around a mysterious $15 trillion dollars (US) which began in April/May 2009 with alleged transfer to UK of HSBC Private Bank of 5 trillion dollars, then 7 days later another, then another in another 3 weeks - a total of 15 trillion dollars for onward transfer to the Royal Bank of Scotland.
Three possible conclusions
Lord James begins his speech by outlining what he believes would be "three possible conclusions" about the purpose and effect of these transfers:
1. A massive piece of money laundering committed by a government which ought to know better and that this has effectively undermined the integrity of the royal bank of Scotland
2. A major US department has an agency that has gone broke and wound up and has created a structure out of which they are seeking to get at least 50 billion euros as a pay off
3. That this is an extraordinarily elaborate fraud which has not been carried out but which has been prepared in order to provide a threat to one government or more if they don't pay them off
"Two decades of crimes involving dozens of governments"
"The Bank of Scotland, under royal charter but restricted from involvement in any such transactions, simply “gave” the money to 20 European banks to use in a highly profitable scheme of co-trading “fresh cut” MTN’s (mid-term notes), generating trillions of dollars in profits over 3 years, none of which is shown on books, none has been taxed or has benefited shareholders in those banks.
As Blackheath outlines, the “deception and cover” for this transfer is the imaginary seizure of 750,000 tons of gold by agents of an unspoken entity (confirmed by the highest official sources as the Bush family and CIA), the listed “source” of the money.
The government of Indonesia confirms this to be an utter fabrication and that the individual named had 700 tons of gold (about half of what Gaddafi was holding), not 750,000. It is noted that only 1,500 tons of gold have ever been traded in world history, as stated in the House of Lords." US Veterans Today military and foreign affairs journal
Cold War currency trading that destroyed Soviet Union
"These funds are the mysterious “Wanta” funds, monies earned through years of currency trading aimed at collapsing the Soviet Union, a plan originated by President Ronald Reagan, then White House Intelligence Coordinator Lee Wanta and CIA Director William Casey. I have been told that, while this operation went forward under President Reagan, he had ordered that his successor, George H. W. Bush not be “briefed” out of “mistrust” for Bush.
The funds themselves were earned through a scheme of trading Soviet roubles at enormous profit, a practice that eventually collapsed their government. A portion of the profits are subject to current litigation in the Federal Court of the Eastern District of Virginia, Judge Lee presiding. I have over 2,000 pages of documents on this case which shows a remainder of the original funds had been transferred to the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond by the Bank of China, a party to the rouble trading practice, in 2006 and is claimed as totally owned by Ameritrust Corporation. That amount was $4.5 trillion of which we hold the SWIFT transfer documents."
$15 Trillion Bond Fraud to Prop up the U.S. Dollar?
The article below is from
I have no idea the truth behind this $15 trillion scandal, but it will be interesting to follow where it goes. Even if the portion about Mr. Riyadi is untrue, that still does not explain where such a large sum of money came from or why senior executives at two different banks accepted the money. Something seems fishy here, although hopefully we will learn more in the coming days.
•At no time has the Federal Reserve Bank of New York been authorized to hold the funds indicated
•However, documents held by Lord Blackheath prove, conclusively that they did hold such funds and transfer them in a manner as to obscure their origin by using HSBC and the Bank of Scotland. This process, seemingly involving Alan Greenspan, Timothy Geithner and others would appear to be “money laundering” until some other explanation were found. None has been offered.
•The “collateralization” of these funds, being 750,000 tons of gold, is proven to be fantasy. These funds then, in no way or manner, are related to Brunei. The presentation of this false transaction has been conclusively proven to be a “cover and deception” project such as an intelligence organization would use.
•The transfer of these funds, all done without any authorizations, governmental or otherwise, particularly without agreements, payment of interest to the United States and without knowledge and approval of congress makes every aspect of this criminal in nature, a violation of innumerable statues.
•The receipt and use of these funds by the 20 banks, two of which are Wall Street’s largest, and the use of these funds to generate profits while the funds themselves are held “off the books” and the profits hidden and laundered, themselves the earnings of funds received through criminal acts makes any and all involved part of a criminal enterprise.
This potential fraud highlights the vast amounts of paper fiat that can be printed out of thin air and that are floating around the financial system. This story comes just days after Italian authorities found $6 Trillion worth of fake U.S. bonds. It is not clear if these two stories are somehow related, but the timing is certainly peculiar.
No matter the truth regarding these TRILLIONS in US Treasury bonds, stories like this only serve to reinforce my view that only gold and silver, which cannot be printed out of thin air and carry zero risk of default, should be used as money or trusted to hold their value. This story should also give pause to anyone with the bulk of their wealth tied up in fiat dollars, U.S. bonds or anywhere else within the toxic banking system. "
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