Proposed massive over-development of Yarra Riverbank
We are a small group of Yarra River users : walkers, cyclists and rowers, and we are absolutely appalled by a proposed new apartment development by Salta on the Yarra Riverbank in Abbotsford. The developer is submitting in the busy period before Christmas, and before more onerous planning controls apply in 2016.
The proposed development at 647 -649 Victoria Street, for a 14 level building with 109 apartments, is the closest development to the river ever submitted. It is 26.5 meters from the river. The river itself is only 26 meters wide at this point.
The cycle/pedestrian path is right beside the enormous building, and on the plans the proposal lowers the PUBLIC path to accommodate the development. If it is approved, the path is likely to be closed for as long as the development takes to build. If built, recreational users will have vastly lessened amenity and access to green space and open space. A canyon like effect will be created which will completely overwhelm and destroy the pleasant and tranquil surroundings.
The plans show access tunnels which will occupy most of Walmer Street (beside the development). Again, this street is also PUBLIC LAND.
The plans also show a jetty, again on the PUBLIC riverbank in an area which is one of the only remaining areas with the correct combination of direct sunlight and rocks to provide a basking spot for water dragons and eastern snake-necked turtles.
This developer has a history of achieving planning approval through Ministerial interventions. So, although it seems absolutely unbelievable that a development with such an enormous impact on the river environment, public green space and amenity, and which subsumes PUBLIC land into the development, could be approved, we need to object loudly and immediately to the destruction of a public asset.
Please support us in trying to protect the riverbank for all users by objecting to City of Yarra, quoting ref no PLN15/0643 before 18th December.
An objection form can be downloaded, and there is a link to a petition at The site contains more information, and pictures of the proposed development and site.
Please share the links and ask others to support and share. Once the green space on our riverbank is gone, it will be gone forever.
Thank you,
Members of DefendTheYarraRiver
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